The property tax incidence debate and the mix of state and local finance of local public expenditures

GR Zodrow - CESifo Economic Studies, 2007 -
Many states in the US have in recent years changed the mix of state and local revenue
sources used to finance local public expenditures, especially primary and secondary …

Intrajurisdictional capitalization and the incidence of the property tax

GR Zodrow - Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2014 - Elsevier
Two views dominate the debate about property tax incidence—the “capital tax” or “new”
view, under which the tax distorts capital allocation and is borne primarily by capital owners …

[PDF][PDF] Welfare and Macroeconomic Effects of Deficit-Financed Tax Cuts: Lessons from CGE Models

JW Diamond, AD Viard - Tax Policy Lessons from the 2000s, 2008 -
Tax cuts are often adopted with no explicit provision for offsetting the resulting revenue loss.
Examples of this include the tax-cut packages enacted on June 7, 2001 and May 28, 2003 …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of HR 25 on Housing and the Homebuilding Industry

JW Diamond, GR Zodrow - 2008 -
John Diamond and George Zodrow analyze the effects of implementing the FairTax reform.
Research Areas Agriculture, forestry and fishing Banking and finance Business Culture and …

Local businesses: an overlooked asset during rapid growth

AM Long - 2017 -
Booming cities often experience a rapidly growing economy coupled with issues of
inequality. With skyrocketing costs of living and displacement of long time residents, housing …