Sentiment Analysis of Hotel User Review using RNN Algorithm
TA Utami - International Journal of Informatics and Computation, 2021 -
Sentiment analysis in user review is a growing research area at the current time. Usually, the
website becomes a source of data in knowing the quality of the hotel services, and the …
website becomes a source of data in knowing the quality of the hotel services, and the …
[PDF][PDF] Prediction of Cooperative Loan Feasibility Using the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
R Roviani, D Supriadi… - Jurnal Pilar Nusa …, 2021 -
Approval of credit lending to cooperative members without proper feasibility analysis can
cause credit problems, cooperatives such as late payment of installments, and an increase …
cause credit problems, cooperatives such as late payment of installments, and an increase …
[PDF][PDF] Performance Evaluation of Classification Algorithm for Movie Review Sentiment Analysis
The majority of the current research on sentiment analysis, which covers topics like political
reviews, movie reviews, and product reviews, has developed quickly. The classification and …
reviews, movie reviews, and product reviews, has developed quickly. The classification and …
Analisis Sentiment Twitter Terkait Kondisi Social Distancing Di Indonesia Dengan Model Voting Ensemble
M Raharjo - 2021 -
Informasi saat ini menjadi mudah untuk kita temukan, Berita terkait pandemi covid-19
contohnya, sejak virus ini dikategorikan sebagai wabah oleh WHO berita atau informasi …
contohnya, sejak virus ini dikategorikan sebagai wabah oleh WHO berita atau informasi …