Terrestrial mammals of the Americas and their interactions with plastic waste

F Ayala, M Zeta-Flores, S Ramos-Baldárrago… - … Science and Pollution …, 2023 - Springer
Plastics have brought many benefits to society, but their mismanagement has turned them
into a serious environmental problem. Today, the effects of plastic waste on wildlife are …

Deforestation leads to prey shrinkage for an apex predator in a biodiversity hotspot

M Magioli, KMPMB Ferraz - Mammal Research, 2021 - Springer
Deforestation is a key driver of biodiversity reduction worldwide and impacts ecosystem
functioning, ecological processes, and species behavior. Here, we investigated the effects of …

[HTML][HTML] Trophic ecology and resource partitioning of Haemulidae species along the Northeastern Brazilian continental shelf

ÁGC Limeira, T Frédou, APC Soares, AS Lira… - Neotropical …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Abstract In the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic, Haemulidae family play an important role both
environmentally, acting as a link between lower and higher trophic levels, and …

Trophic niche overlap among Neotropical carnivores in a silvicultural landscape

AB de Almeida, M Magioli, C Gheler-Costa… - Mammalia, 2023 - degruyter.com
To enable long-term coexistence, species need to differentiate at least one of the three main
dimensions of the ecological niche (temporal, spatial, or trophic dimension). Here, we …

What should I eat: feeding behaviour of puma in a Brazilian protected semi-arid area

M Zanin, B Adrados, VC Vargas Foletto… - 2020 - digital.csic.es
The feeding behaviour of the puma (Puma concolor) is a fundamental characteristic that
guarantees its evolutionary success. It is one of the primary factors associated with its …

First record of plastic ingestion by Cerdocyon thous (Carnivora, Canidae) in northeastern Brazil

A Bocchiglieri, RHS Bezerra… - Notas sobre Mamíferos …, 2021 - ojs.sarem.org.ar
Cerdocyon thous is a neotropical canid often found in natural, fragmented, altered and
agricultural environments. Its generalist diet includes plant and animal items, as well as …

[PDF][PDF] Registro através de Armadilhamento Fotográfico para Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), no município de Pouso Alegre MG

AB Barros, AMC Lopes - Revista Multidisciplinar de …, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
RESUMO Várias espécies têm a capacidade de tolerar a influência do homem, convivendo
com essas ações próximas a florestas e áreas rurais. A Onça-parda (Puma concolor) é um …

Eficácia de distintos tipos de iscas no armadilhamento de canídeos e felídeos silvestres

T Carmo - 2020 - teses.usp.br
A baixa taxa de sucesso de captura pode ser um fator limitante ao êxito de diversos estudos
com fauna. Sendo assim, é necessário o aprimoramento de técnicas de captura, de forma …

Análise de atropelamentos de onças-pardas (Puma concolor) nas rodovias do Estado de São Paulo

G Amaral - 2022 - repositorio.unesp.br
The puma (Puma concolor) is a carnivorous species that has a wide distribution, mainly in
South America. However, their food needs, their way of life and the loss of habitat that occurs …

[PDF][PDF] Monitoramento de espécie guarda-chuva Puma concolor (Felidae–Mammalia: Carnivora) empregando amostras não invasivas

RMF Souza - 2018 - repositorio.unesp.br
O Brasil é um país megadiverso detentor de grande parte da riqueza ecológica do mundo,
porém seus biomas, importantes devido aos serviços ecossistêmicos, sofrem com a pressão …