The development of inquiry by using android-system-based chemistry board game to improve learning outcome and critical thinking ability
S Wardani, L Lindawati… - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2017 -
Student's critical thinking and their learning result depend on learning design and student's
activity. Most students use their spare time with playing game. Students are more challenged …
activity. Most students use their spare time with playing game. Students are more challenged …
The effect of STEM-EDP in professional learning on automotive engineering competence in vocational high school
The quality of teacher learning practices currently continues to be improved through various
training programs, mentoring, and evaluations from Indonesian government support. The …
training programs, mentoring, and evaluations from Indonesian government support. The …
Kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada siswa kelas VII SMP
MD Prastiwi, T Nurita - Pensa: E-Jurnal Pendidikan Sains, 2018 -
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah
pada siswa di kelas VII-A SMPN 1 Balongpanggang Gresik. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pre …
pada siswa di kelas VII-A SMPN 1 Balongpanggang Gresik. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pre …
The impact of engineering design process in teaching and learning to enhance students’ science problem-solving skills
This study aimed to determine the impact of the integration of engineering design process
(asking, imagining, planning, creating and improving) in an electrical & magnetism module …
(asking, imagining, planning, creating and improving) in an electrical & magnetism module …
Studying natural science in elementary school using NOS-oriented cooperative learning model with the NHT type
IN Jampel, F Fahrurrozi, G Artawan… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2018 -
Elementary school students’ achievement in natural science in the academic year of
2015/2016 at Cluster V, Buleleng regency, Bali province was considerably low. An early …
2015/2016 at Cluster V, Buleleng regency, Bali province was considerably low. An early …
Web-Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik IPA terintegrasi potensi lokal pabrik gula untuk meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu peserta didik
M Fuadati, I Wilujeng - Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 2019 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan web-Lembar Kerja
Peserta Didik (LKPD) IPA terintegrasi potensi lokal pabrik gula. Penelitian ini merupakan …
Peserta Didik (LKPD) IPA terintegrasi potensi lokal pabrik gula. Penelitian ini merupakan …
Science integrated learning model to enhance the scientific work independence of student teacher in indigenous knowledge transformation
The scientific work independence is the core competency of student teacher of science. In
this research, the effectiveness of the Science Integrated Learning Model (SIL) was …
this research, the effectiveness of the Science Integrated Learning Model (SIL) was …
PBL-STEM modul feasibility test for preservice biology teacher
E Setyaningsih, P Agustina, S Anif… - … Journal on Learning …, 2022 -
Life skills are needed in this era of globalization to be successful in the school environment
or outside of school. According to the 2019 World Economic Forum, the world's demand for …
or outside of school. According to the 2019 World Economic Forum, the world's demand for …
The effectiveness of real science mask with QR code on students' problem-solving skills and scientific literacy
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Real Science Mask with QR Code on
students' problem-solving skills and scientific literacy. This research is a type of experimental …
students' problem-solving skills and scientific literacy. This research is a type of experimental …
I-invertebrata as an android-based learning media for molluscs, arthropods, and echinoderms identification and its influence on students' motivation
In Zoology course, students often have difficulty to identify several invertebrates. Android-
based learning media is currently an alternative way of solving some problems during the …
based learning media is currently an alternative way of solving some problems during the …