[HTML][HTML] Mach bands: How many models are possible? Recent experimental findings and modeling attempts

L Pessoa - Vision Research, 1996 - Elsevier
Mach bands are illusory bright and dark bands seen where a luminance plateau meets a
ramp, as in half-shadows or penumbras. A tremendous amount of work has been devoted to …

Foveal perceptive fields in the human visual system measured with simultaneous contrast in grids and bars

L Spillmann - Pflügers Archiv, 1971 - Springer
Foveal perceptive fields (center plus surround) for human vision were investigated by means
of contrast illusions in grids and bars. The task consisted of determining the size of the …

Human brightness perception near sharp contours

M Davidson, JA Whiteside - JOSA, 1971 - opg.optica.org
The appearances of fields that contain luminance discontinuities (eg, the contour between a
bright and a dark region) do not conform satisfactorily to predictions from models of spatial …

Spatial interactions in interocular and monocular “blur suppression”

J Qian, SS Patel, HE Bedell - Optometry and Vision Science, 2022 - journals.lww.com
PURPOSE A blurred target presented to one eye may be suppressed when a clear target is
presented to the other eye. We sought to determine how this interocular suppression varies …

Contrast sensitivity near borders: significance of test stimulus form, size and duration

A Vassilev - Vision Research, 1973 - Elsevier
The foveal increment threshold is known to be raised at the boundary between dark and
light fields, but there are large differences in the magnitude of the effect reported. In the …

The effects of edge sharpness and exposure duration on detection threshold

DC Hood - Vision Research, 1973 - Elsevier
The detection threshold for a target has been previously shown to be affected by the
physical sharpness of the target's edge. The present study confirmed that the detection …

The dependence of Bezold-Brücke hue shift on spatial intensity distribution

GJ van der Wildt, MA Bouman - Vision Research, 1968 - Elsevier
Measurements on the influence of the geometrical proportions of the stimulus on the Bezold-
Briicke hue shift are reported. The hue shift is measured by a comparison of the colour of two …

Spatiotemporal visual response to suprathreshold stimuli

V Manahilov - Vision Research, 1995 - Elsevier
The spatiotemporal visual response to an inducing bar of a short duration was studied by a
brightness-matching procedure. The apparent brightness of a test line, presented in the …

Spatial and temporal factors in masking by edges and disks

ML Matthews - Perception & Psychophysics, 1971 - Springer
Increment threshold of a small test probe is found to be elevated by backgrounds of a disk,
bar, or luminance step. The spatial parameters that produce maximum masking are found to …

Thresholds at luminance edges under stabilized viewing conditions

FXJ Lukas, Ü Tulunay-Keesey, JO Limb - JOSA, 1980 - opg.optica.org
Increment thresholds were measured for a small, briefly presented test line as a function of
distance from a high-contrast abrupt luminance edge. The experiments were carried out …