The/spl phi/accrual failure detector

N Hayashibara, X Defago, R Yared… - Proceedings of the …, 2004 -
The detection of failures is a fundamental issue for fault-tolerance in distributed systems.
Recently, many people have come to realize that failure detection ought to be provided as …

A short introduction to failure detectors for asynchronous distributed systems

M Reynal - ACM SIGACT News, 2005 -
Since the first version of Chandra and Toueg's seminal paper titled" Unreliable failure
detectors for reliable distributed systems" in 1991, the failure detector concept has been …

From static distributed systems to dynamic systems

A Mostefaoui, M Raynal, C Travers… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2005 -
A noteworthy advance in distributed computing is due to the recent development of peer-to-
peer systems. These systems are essentially dynamic in the sense that no process can get a …

The alpha of indulgent consensus

R Guerraoui, M Raynal - The Computer Journal, 2007 -
This paper presents a simple framework unifying a family of consensus algorithms that can
tolerate process crash failures and asynchronous periods of the network, also called …

The theta-model: achieving synchrony without clocks

J Widder, U Schmid - Distributed Computing, 2009 - Springer
We present a novel partially synchronous system model, which augments the asynchronous
model by a (possibly unknown) bound Θ on the ratio of longest and shortest end-to-end …

Definition and specification of accrual failure detectors

X Défago, P Urbán, N Hayashibara… - … Systems and Networks …, 2005 -
For many years, people have been advocating the development of failure detection as a
basic service, but, unfortunately, without meeting much success so far. We believe that this …

Automated rule-based diagnosis through a distributed monitor system

G Khanna, MY Cheng, P Varadharajan… - … on Dependable and …, 2007 -
In today's world where distributed systems form many of our critical infrastructures,
dependability outagesare becoming increasingly common. In many situations, it is …

Time-free and timer-based assumptions can be combined to obtain eventual leadership

A Mostefaoui, M Raynal… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2006 -
Leader-based protocols rest on a primitive able to provide the processes with the same
unique leader. Such protocols are very common in distributed computing to solve …

Eventual leader election with weak assumptions on initial knowledge, communication reliability, and synchrony

A Fernández, E Jiménez, M Raynal - 2005 -
This report considers the eventual leader election problem in asynchronous message-
passing systems where an arbitrary number $ t $ of processes can crash ($ t< n $, where $ n …

A time-free assumption to implement eventual leadership

A Mostefaoui, E Mourgaya, M Raynal… - Parallel Processing …, 2006 - World Scientific
Leader-based protocols rest on a primitive able to provide the processes with the same
unique leader. Such protocols are very common in distributed computing to solve …