[PDF][PDF] Epistemic Rationality In Islamic Education: The Significance for Religious Moderation in Contemporary Indonesian Islam

AP Senata, H Asrohah, SF Najiyah, S Arif - Ulul Albab, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This article discusses the concept of epistemic rationality in Islamic education and its
significance for strengthening religious moderation in contemporary Indonesian Islam. The …

Pesantren education in Indonesia: Efforts to create child-friendly pesantren

E Muafiah, NE Sofiana, U Khasanah - Ulumuna, 2022 - ulumuna.or.id
Pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding school) has improved in many aspects, including the
quality in Indonesia. However, since 2020, sexual and physical abuses have occurred in …

[PDF][PDF] Curriculum Design for Special Conditions Based on Islamic Values: Study at Senior High School Al-Hikmah Boarding School Batu

MF Hidayatullah, MA Firdausi, M Hanief - Ulul Albab, 2021 - researchgate.net
Covid-19 is a way for each educational institution to improve quality, processes, as well as
facilities and infrastructure. The epidemic indirectly demands the education institution for …

Religious moderation in the recitation activity of Muslimat NU: an effort to prevent religious extremism

Y Rohmawati, A Barizi - Ulul Albab, 2021 - repository.uin-malang.ac.id
The lives of religious people are often in the spotlight because of complex problems.
Religion which is supposed to be the source of peace, causes chaos. Hence, the …