Malware analysis system

H Xie, X Wang, J Liu - US Patent 9,047,441, 2015 - Google Patents
2005, 0190694 A1 9, 2005 Ben-Nun et al. JP 2005229573 8, 2005 2005/02O3919 A1 9,
2005 Deutsch et al. JP 2008O11537 1, 2008 2005/0216770 A1 9, 2005 Rowett et al. WO …

L2/L3 multi-mode switch including policy processing

N Zuk, Y Mao, H Xu, A Green - US Patent 8,594,085, 2013 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatus for processing data packets in a computer network are described.
One general method includes receiving a data packet; examining the data packet to classify …

Application template generation and deep packet inspection approach for creation of micro-segmentation policy for network applications

S Nimmagadda, J Jayant, A Sengupta - US Patent 10,298,619, 2019 - Google Patents
A method of creating micro-segmentation policy for a network is provided. The method
monitors the network packet traffic to identify network traffic types and patterns. The method …

Packet classification in a network security device

N Zuk, S Wang, SW Leung, F Gong - US Patent 8,009,566, 2011 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatuses are described for inspecting data packets in a computer network.
One or more data packets through the network have associated header data and content …

Enabling access to aggregated software security information

D Zhang, Y Dang, X Hou, S Huang, J Wang - US Patent 8,234,706, 2012 - Google Patents
2002fOOO7309 A1 2002fOO78381 A1* 2002fO144142 A1 2003/0097.378 A1
2003/O120684 A1 2003.01. 20949 A1 2003. O135445 A1 2004.0034550 A1 2004 …

Providing application visibility for micro-segmentation of a network deployment

K Bansal, A Sengupta, S Manuguri, S Krishna… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of creating micro-segmentation policies for a network is provided.
The method identifies a set of network nodes as seed nodes. The method monitors network …

Application assessment and visibility for micro-segmentation of a network deployment

K Bansal, U Masurekar, S Nimmagadda… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
2017/0324632 A1 2017/0324765 A1* 2017/0359217 Al 2017/0374102 Al 2017/0374106 A1
2018/0007127 A1 2018/0027080 A1 2018/0032399 Al 2018/0034856 Al 2018/0041578 Al …

Monitoring resource consumption for distributed services

C Raman, S Manuguri, R Koganty… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
A method for monitoring several data compute nodes (DCNs) on a group of managed host
machines is provided. The method receives service usage data from a group of managed …

Use of stateless marking to speed up stateful firewall rule processing

J Jayant, A Sengupta, M Parthasarathy… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
A novel method for stateful packet classification that uses hardware resources for performing
stateless lookups and software resources for performing stateful connection flow …

Firewall rule management

K Bansal, U Masurekar, S Maskalik, S Shah… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Some embodiments provide a central firewall management system that can be used to
manage different firewall devices from a single management interface. This management …