[HTML][HTML] Actividad física: estrategia de promoción de la salud

JA Vidarte Claros, C Vélez Álvarez… - Hacia la Promoción de …, 2011 - scielo.org.co
Objetivo: conceptualizar acerca de la definición de la actividad física, su prevalencia y
relación directa con las estrategias desarrolladas desde la promoción de la salud …

[HTML][HTML] The effects of aerobic versus resistance training on cardiovascular fitness in obese sedentary females

S Chaudhary, MK Kang, JS Sandhu - Asian journal of sports …, 2010 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Purpose The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of aerobic and strength
training on cardiac variables such as blood pressure, heart rate (HR), and metabolic …

Exercise modulation of total antioxidant capacity (TAC): towards a molecular signature of healthy aging

GS Lira Ferrari, CK Bucalen Ferrari - Frontiers in Life Science, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this article was to review the biochemical basis of the total antioxidant
capacity (TAC) test and its applications to exercise science and promotion of healthy aging …

[HTML][HTML] Nitric oxide, health and disease

CKB Ferrari, E Luzia França… - Journal of Applied …, 2009 - jab.zsf.jcu.cz
Nitric oxide is a gaseous substance which possesses many important physiological
characteristics ranging from its action as a natural immune mechanism to endothelial control …

[PDF][PDF] O Método Dáder na atenção farmacêutica em pacientes hipertensos no município de Pontal do Araguaia-MT, Brasil

MFSS Brune, EE Ferreira… - O mundo da …, 2014 - … .emnuvens.com.br
O Método Dáder na atenção farmacêutica em pacientes hipertensos no município de
Pontal do Araguaia-MT, Brasil Page 1 402 O Mundo da Saúde, São Paulo - 2014;38(4):402-409 …

Walking capacity is associated with health related quality of life and physical activity level in patients with schizophrenia: a preliminary report

A Martín-Sierra, D Vancampfort, M Probst… - Actas espanolas de …, 2011 - actaspsiquiatria.es
Objectives. To examine walking capacity in patients with schizophrenia and the relation with
quality of life and physical activity level. Methods. Functional exercise capacity was …

[HTML][HTML] Implementation of public health policies for healthy lifestyles promotion: what Brazil should tell us?

CKB Ferrari - Health promotion perspectives, 2018 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The objective of this work was to update Brazilian experiences on implementation research
(IR) regarding promotion of healthy lifestyles to decrease the risk of chronic non …

Associations of Combined Physical Activity and Body Mass Index with Metabolic Syndrome in American Adults: From the National Health and Nutrition Examination …

GL Zhang, J Lee - American Journal of Health Promotion, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the combined associations of physical
activity and body mass index with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in a population …

La capacidad de marcha está asociada a la calidad de vida (relacionada con la salud) y nivel de actividad física en pacientes con esquizofrenia: estudio preliminar.

A Martín-Sierra, D Vancampfort… - Actas Españolas de …, 2011 - search.ebscohost.com
Objetivos. Examinar la capacidad de marcha (caminar) en pacientes con esquizofrenia y la
relación con calidad de vida y nivel de actividad física. Métodos. La capacidad de ejercicio …

[HTML][HTML] Prevalence and associated risk factors of the metabolic syndrome in the Korean workforce

DR Kang, HA Yeongmi, WJ Hwang - Industrial health, 2013 - jstage.jst.go.jp
The purposes of this study were to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and to
investigate the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome in Korean workers. This is a …