Wildland fire ash: production, composition and eco-hydro-geomorphic effects
MB Bodí, DA Martin, VN Balfour, C Santín… - Earth-Science …, 2014 - Elsevier
Fire transforms fuels (ie biomass, necromass, soil organic matter) into materials with different
chemical and physical properties. One of these materials is ash, which is the particulate …
chemical and physical properties. One of these materials is ash, which is the particulate …
Fire effects on soil aggregation: a review
Fire can affect soil properties depending on a number of factors including fire severity and
soil type. Aggregate stability (AS) refers to soil structure resilience in response to external …
soil type. Aggregate stability (AS) refers to soil structure resilience in response to external …
Prescribed burning in southern Europe: developing fire management in a dynamic landscape
Mediterranean landscapes are in a state of flux due to the impacts of changing land‐use
patterns and climate. Fuel–weather interactions determine that large, severe wildfires are …
patterns and climate. Fuel–weather interactions determine that large, severe wildfires are …
Splash erosion: A review with unanswered questions
Soil erosion is a serious ecological and environmental problem, and the main cause of land
degradation in many ecosystems at global scale. Detachment of soil particles by raindrop …
degradation in many ecosystems at global scale. Detachment of soil particles by raindrop …
Does soil burn severity affect the post-fire runoff and interrill erosion response? A review based on meta-analysis of field rainfall simulation data
DCS Vieira, C Fernández, JA Vega, JJ Keizer - Journal of Hydrology, 2015 - Elsevier
Soil burn severity has been widely used to describe the impacts of fire on soils and is
increasingly being recognised as a decisive factor controlling post-fire erosion rates …
increasingly being recognised as a decisive factor controlling post-fire erosion rates …
How wildfires affect soil properties. A brief review
LMM Zavala, R de Celis Silvia… - Cuadernos de …, 2014 - dialnet.unirioja.es
de La Rioja CIG 40 (2), 2014, p. 311-331, ISSN 0211-6820 311 Cuadernos de …
de La Rioja CIG 40 (2), 2014, p. 311-331, ISSN 0211-6820 311 Cuadernos de …
Post-fire evolution of soil properties and vegetation cover in a Mediterranean heathland after experimental burning: A 3-year study
Mediterranean soils under heathland are often shallow, with low capacity for water storage,
and a high risk of erosion. In this context, recurrent wildfires can negatively affect their …
and a high risk of erosion. In this context, recurrent wildfires can negatively affect their …
Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire
BA Ebel, JA Moody, DA Martin - Water Resources Research, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
We investigated the control of postwildfire runoff by physical and hydraulic properties of soil,
hydrologic states, and an ash layer immediately following wildfire. The field site is within the …
hydrologic states, and an ash layer immediately following wildfire. The field site is within the …
Fire severity effects on ash chemical composition and water-extractable elements
The effects of fire in the landscape are commonly assessed through the evaluation of ash
properties. Among other properties, colour is one of the methods more frequently used …
properties. Among other properties, colour is one of the methods more frequently used …
Synthesis of soil‐hydraulic properties and infiltration timescales in wildfire‐affected soils
BA Ebel, JA Moody - Hydrological Processes, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We collected soil‐hydraulic property data from the literature for wildfire‐affected soils, ash,
and unburned soils. These data were used to calculate metrics and timescales of hydrologic …
and unburned soils. These data were used to calculate metrics and timescales of hydrologic …