Energy requirements for water production, treatment, end use, reclamation, and disposal

AK Plappally - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012 - Elsevier
Energy is consumed at every stage of the cycle of water supply, treatment, use and disposal.
The intensity of energy consumption (kWh/m3) depends upon the specific technologies …

Urban energy planning procedure for sustainable development in the built environment: A review of available spatial approaches

ST Moghadam, C Delmastro, SP Corgnati… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Urban and Regional Integrated Energy Planning is crucial to define transition
strategies toward sustainable development and post-carbon cities; particularly, in the built …

How does internet development affect energy-saving and emission reduction? Evidence from China

H Wu, Y Xue, Y Hao, S Ren - Energy Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
With the development of information technology and its innovative applications in the field of
environmental protection, the role of the internet in energy conservation and emission …

Tit for tat: How hotel guests can be convinced to do their part to reduce energy consumption

R Steiger, U Scholl-Grissemann, A Kallmuenzer… - Tourism …, 2025 - Elsevier
Efforts to mitigate climate change and address the energy crisis underscore the imperative of
saving energy and reducing CO 2 emissions. Drawing on random utility theory and equity …

Determinants of household energy use and fuel switching behavior in Nepal

B Acharya, K Marhold - Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper analyzes the energy selection behavior of Nepalese households, specifically the
effects of socio-demographic factors on the energy mix. To overcome the limitations of prior …

A framework for targeting household energy savings through habitual behavioural change

M Pothitou, AJ Kolios, L Varga, S Gu - International Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper reviews existing up-to-date literature related to individual household energy
consumption. The how and why individual behaviour affects energy use are discussed …

Life-oriented travel behavior research: An overview

J Zhang, V Van Acker - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and …, 2017 - Elsevier
This special issue argues the importance of a paradigm shift from traditional approaches to
the life-oriented approach for a better understanding of travel behavior and for better …

Evaluating the direct and indirect rebound effects in household energy consumption behavior: a case study of Beijing

B Yu, J Zhang, A Fujiwara - Energy Policy, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper examines whether increases in energy efficiency of major household items
cause additional short-run utilization of these end uses and other end uses for households …

Chinese consumer attitudes towards energy saving: The case of household electrical appliances in Chongqing

G Ma, P Andrews-Speed, J Zhang - Energy Policy, 2013 - Elsevier
Energy saving is now an important component of China's energy policy. This paper reports
the findings of a survey carried out in 2009 and 2010 of 246 citizens at different locations in …

Analysis of the residential location choice and household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects

Y Biying, J Zhang, A Fujiwara - Energy Policy, 2012 - Elsevier
It is expected that the residential location choice and household energy consumption
behavior might correlate with each other. Besides, due to the existence of self-selection …