[HTML][HTML] Single-crystalline Cu2O thin films of optical quality as obtained by the oxidation of single-crystal Cu thin films at low temperature

T Ha, I Park, KI Sim, H Lee, JS Bae, SJ Kim, JP Kim… - APL Materials, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
High-quality, single-crystal-like Cu 2 O thin films of various thicknesses (10 nm–45 nm) were
prepared at a low temperature (150 C) by controlling layer-by-layer oxidation of wafer-scale …

Bayesian spectroscopy in solid-state photo-physics

I Akai, K Iwamitsu, M Okada - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose Bayesian spectroscopy (BS) both for the spectral analyses of optical spectra
and for normal mode analyses of coherent phonon (CP) signals in solid-state materials. In …

Bayesian Analysis of an Excitonic Absorption Spectrum in a Cu2O Thin Film Sandwiched by Paired MgO Plates

K Iwamitsu, S Aihara, M Okada, I Akai - Journal of the Physical …, 2016 - journals.jps.jp
We analyzed the absorption spectrum of a Cu2O thin film sandwiched by paired MgO plates
with the Metropolis algorithm of Bayesian estimation to estimate the energy shift of a yellow …

Spectral decomposition of components weaker than noise intensity by bayesian spectroscopy

K Iwamitsu, M Okada, I Akai - Journal of the Physical Society of …, 2020 - journals.jps.jp
Using Bayesian spectroscopy, we have performed model selection to extract weak spectral
components from an absorption spectrum of a Cu2O thin crystal sandwiched between a pair …

Bayesian Spectroscopy on Polarization Dependent Photoluminescence Spectra of Doubly‐Split Excitons in a Cu2O Thin‐Crystal Sandwiched by MgO Substrates

A Kiridoshi, S Aihara, S Arishima… - … status solidi (b), 2018 - Wiley Online Library
By using Bayesian spectroscopy, we studied polarization dependence of
photoluminescence (PL) spectra in doubly‐split 1S yellow ortho‐excitons in a Cu2O thin …

[PDF][PDF] MgO 基板に挟まれたCu2O 薄膜結晶における複雑な励起子発光スペクトルのベイズ分光

岩満一功, 有嶋駿士郎, 山代哲也… - 第29 回光物性 …, 2018 - phys.iina.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
We applied Bayesian spectroscopy to study polarization dependence of excitonic
photoluminescence (PL) spectra in a Cu2O thin-crystal sandwiched by paired MgO …