A structured multi-stakeholder learning process for Sustainable Land Management
G Schwilch, F Bachmann, S Valente, C Coelho… - Journal of environmental …, 2012 - Elsevier
There are many, often competing, options for Sustainable Land Management (SLM). Each
must be assessed–and sometimes negotiated–prior to implementation. Participatory, multi …
must be assessed–and sometimes negotiated–prior to implementation. Participatory, multi …
Learning about forest ownership and management issues in Europe while travelling: The Travellab approach
D Feliciano, D Blagojević, K Boehling, T Hujala… - Forest Policy and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Forest management, with its diverse land-use and institutional pressures, can be considered
a “wicked problem”. Transdisciplinarity and social learning are considered relevant …
a “wicked problem”. Transdisciplinarity and social learning are considered relevant …
'Conservationists' and the 'Local People'in Biodiversity Conservation: The Case of Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia
G Kelboro, T Stellmacher, V Hoffmann - … Journal of the Social Sciences and …, 2013 - ajol.info
Studies on biodiversity in Africa show its rapid loss and degradation. This is commonly
explained with non-sustainable use by local people. Across Africa, extensive systems of …
explained with non-sustainable use by local people. Across Africa, extensive systems of …
[PDF][PDF] Rethinking knowledge provision for the marginalized: Rural networks and novel extension approaches in Vietnam
In an era of progressively amplifying expectations towards food, the goal of agricultural
producers is no longer to simply maximize production, but also to optimize across a far more …
producers is no longer to simply maximize production, but also to optimize across a far more …
[PDF][PDF] Adapting to climate change through sustainable land management
B Wolfgramm, A Gareyeva, Q Shokirov, HP Liniger - 2013 - boris.unibe.ch
In a terraced vineyard at the Karsang field station of the Soil Institute of the Tajik Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, mulching was tested as a water conservation measure. Mulching …
Agricultural Sciences, mulching was tested as a water conservation measure. Mulching …
The Application of Participatory Extension through Agricultural Innovation Systems in the Middle East
CP McDonough - 2019 - digital.library.adelaide.edu.au
This thesis examines whether participatory extension approaches can be achieved in
Middle Eastern countries within a supporting framework of Agricultural Innovation Systems …
Middle Eastern countries within a supporting framework of Agricultural Innovation Systems …
Programa de recuperação das matas litorais: Participação pública e sensibilização
ME Fernandes, M Oliveira, B Fidalgo, F Torres… - 2018 - iconline.ipleiria.pt
Introdução: As Matas Litorais-Mata Nacional de Leiria, Mata Nacional de Pedrógão, Mata
Nacional do Urso, Mata Nacional das Dunas de Quiaios, o Perímetro Florestal das Dunas …
Nacional do Urso, Mata Nacional das Dunas de Quiaios, o Perímetro Florestal das Dunas …
La responsabilité sociale dans la culture de riz bio en Italie
E Pagliarino, S Rolfo, IM Zoppi - 2021 - nss-journal.org
Cet article est axé sur l'expérience d'un groupe de cultivateurs italiens qui utilisent les
pratiques et les méthodes de l'agriculture biologique pour la production du riz. Celle-ci …
pratiques et les méthodes de l'agriculture biologique pour la production du riz. Celle-ci …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainable land management in practice: Guidelines and best practices for Sub-Saharan Africa, FAO, Rome, Italy
HP Liniger, R Mekdaschi, C Hauert, M Gurtner - 2011 - boris.unibe.ch
Production of guidelines for best sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and
approaches in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been part of TerrAfrica's programme during …
approaches in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been part of TerrAfrica's programme during …
[PDF][PDF] Mapping and Geoprocessing Tools in Support of Rural Advisory Systems
E Gabathuler, S Eckert, A Ehrensperger, F Bachmann - researchgate.net
Part 3 offers a brief practical introduction to some of the tools and functions presented in
parts 1 and 2 of this book. the aim is to help to build up a beginner's competence in GPs …
parts 1 and 2 of this book. the aim is to help to build up a beginner's competence in GPs …