Is nationalism on the rise? Assessing global trends

F Bieber - Ethnopolitics, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Like air, nationalism is both ubiquitous and elusive. It permeates the global system, states,
peoples' behavior and can be seen as both conservative and as a revolutionary force …

What do we mean by populism?

C De la Torre - The Routledge companion to media disinformation …, 2021 -
This chapter aims to briefly map out what scholars say populism is. It focuses on how
populists use the media. Sociologists and historians first used the concept of populism to …

[图书][B] Electoral politics in Africa since 1990: Continuity in change

J Bleck, N Van de Walle - 2019 -
Democratic transitions in the early 1990s introduced a sea change in Sub-Saharan African
politics. Between 1990 and 2015, several hundred competitive legislative and presidential …

[图书][B] Populism and patronage: Why populists win elections in India, Asia, and beyond

PD Kenny - 2017 -
Populist rule is bad for democracy, yet in country after country, populists are being voted into
office. Populism and Patronage shows that the populists such as Indira Gandhi and …

Uneven development, politics and governance in urban Africa: An analytical literature review

M Collord, T Goodfellow, LA Asante - 2021 -
This paper considers the foundations of contemporary African urban economies and how
these intersect with the evolution of urban politics, carving a route through a wide range of …

How do populists visually represent 'the people'? A systematic comparative visual content analysis of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders' Instagram accounts

B Moffitt - The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2024 -
How do populists visually represent “the people”? While the literature on populism has
tended to focus on text-and language-based documents, such as speeches, policies, and …

[图书][B] In China's wake: how the commodity boom transformed development strategies in the global south

N Jepson - 2019 -
Ellner, S. 2013.“Social and Political Diversity and the Democratic Road to Change in
Venezuela.” Latin American Perspectives 40 (3): 63–82. El Telegrafo. 2014.“Ecuador …

Authoritarian clientelism: the case of the president's 'creatures' in Cameroon

S Mişcoiu, LM Kakdeu - Political Parties and Electoral Clientelism, 2023 - Springer
Within this article, we aim at exploring the topic of clientelism in Cameroon as a species of a
wider phenomenon affecting Central and Western Francophone Africa. Our argument is that …

[引用][C] Populism

B Moffitt - 2020 - John Wiley & Sons

[引用][C] Do fascismo ao populismo na história

F Finchelstein - 2019 - Leya