Injection molding system having a digital displacement pump

S Mucibabic, MC Huang - US Patent 8,641,399, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Some examples of known injection molding systems are:(i) the HyPETTM
Molding System,(ii) the QuadlocTM Mold ing System,(iii) the HylectricTM Molding System …

Hydraulic drive system

T Akiyama, N Iida, K Saito, T Watanabe… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
A hydraulic driving system includes a hydraulic pump, a driving source, a hydraulic cylinder,
a closed circuit hydraulic path between the pump and cylinder, a pump-flow-rate control unit …

Regenerative hydraulic systems and methods of use

J Andruch III, JH Lumkes Jr - US Patent 9,194,107, 2015 - Google Patents
Hydraulic systems and methods for using such systems in a variety of machinery, including
but not limited to machines having multiple functions performed by one or more hydraulic …

System and method for pump-controlled cylinder cushioning

CA Williamson, MM Ivantysynova - US Patent 8,453,441, 2013 - Google Patents
A system and method for controlling the movement of an implement of an earthmoving
machine. The system includes a hydraulic actuator adapted to move the implement. A vari …

Industrial system with synthetically commutated variable displacement fluid working machine

NJ Caldwell, J Edmondson, AIF Robertson… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
An injection molding system, water jet cutting machine or other industrial system has a
synthetically controlled variable displacement fluid working machine which outputs hydraulic …

Displacement-controlled hydraulic system for multi-function machines

EC Hughes IV, CA Williamson, JD Zimmerman… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
The present invention generally relates to machines having multiple functions performed by
hydraulic circuits. More particularly, this invention relates to a displacement-con trolled (DC) …

System and method for enabling floating of earthmoving implements

EC Hughes IV, CA Williamson, JD Zimmerman… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
57 ABSTRACT Related US Application Data(57) A system and method for performing a
floating function in an (60) inal application No. 61/111.746, filed on Nov. earthmoving …

System and method for energy recovery

AYR Ho, A RosaNeto - US Patent 9,096,115, 2015 - Google Patents
An energy transfer system includes a power transfer mecha nism, a first system, and a
second system. The first system includes a first pump-motor operatively connecting the first …

Hydraulic system for work machine

K Hiraku - US Patent 9,938,691, 2018 - Google Patents
Delivery ports of a closed circuit hydraulic pump are connected to a head-side chamber and
a rod-side chamber of an arm/boom cylinder. A switching valve is arranged between the …

System and method for blade level control of earthmoving machines

EC Hughes IV, CA Williamson, JD Zimmerman… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
A system for automatically controlling the position and level of an earthmoving implement on
an earthmoving machine. The system includes at least one hydraulic actuator adapted to …