Doubly contrastive representation learning for federated image recognition
Y Zhang, Y Xu, S Wei, Y Wang, Y Li, X Shang - Pattern Recognition, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the problem of personalized federated learning (FL) with the schema
of contrastive learning (CL), which is to implement collaborative pattern classification by …
of contrastive learning (CL), which is to implement collaborative pattern classification by …
Federated cycling (FedCy): Semi-supervised Federated Learning of surgical phases
H Kassem, D Alapatt, P Mascagni… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 -
Recent advancements in deep learning methods bring computer-assistance a step closer to
fulfilling promises of safer surgical procedures. However, the generalizability of such …
fulfilling promises of safer surgical procedures. However, the generalizability of such …
Uncertainty minimization for personalized federated semi-supervised learning
Since federated learning (FL) has been introduced as a decentralized learning technique
with privacy preservation, statistical heterogeneity of distributed data stays the main obstacle …
with privacy preservation, statistical heterogeneity of distributed data stays the main obstacle …
When does the student surpass the teacher? Federated Semi-supervised Learning with Teacher-Student EMA
J Zhao, S Ghosh, A Bharadwaj, CY Ma - arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10114, 2023 -
Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) has received extensive attention in the domain of
computer vision, leading to development of promising approaches such as FixMatch. In …
computer vision, leading to development of promising approaches such as FixMatch. In …
Unsupervised federated optimization at the edge: D2D-enabled learning without labels
S Wagle, S Hosseinalipour… - IEEE Transactions …, 2024 -
Federated learning (FL) is a popular solution for distributed machine learning (ML). While FL
has traditionally been studied for supervised ML tasks, in many applications, it is impractical …
has traditionally been studied for supervised ML tasks, in many applications, it is impractical …
MrTF: model refinery for transductive federated learning
We consider a real-world scenario in which a newly-established pilot project needs to make
inferences for newly-collected data with the help of other parties under privacy protection …
inferences for newly-collected data with the help of other parties under privacy protection …
Ferrari: A personalized federated learning framework for heterogeneous edge clients
Federated semi-supervised learning (FSSL) has been proposed to address the insufficient
labeled data problem by training models with pseudo-labeling. In previous FSSL systems, a …
labeled data problem by training models with pseudo-labeling. In previous FSSL systems, a …
Semi-Supervised Decentralized Machine Learning with Device-to-Device Cooperation
The massive data from mobile and embedded devices have huge potential for training
machine learning models. Decentralized machine learning (DML) can avoid the inherent …
machine learning models. Decentralized machine learning (DML) can avoid the inherent …
Contrastive encoder pre-training-based clustered federated learning for heterogeneous data
Federated learning (FL) is a promising approach that enables distributed clients to
collaboratively train a global model while preserving their data privacy. However, FL often …
collaboratively train a global model while preserving their data privacy. However, FL often …
FedLID: Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Leveraging Limited Image Data
This study investigates the challenging task of training visual models with very few available
data, further complicated by the distribution being imbalanced and scattered across nodes …
data, further complicated by the distribution being imbalanced and scattered across nodes …