Doubly contrastive representation learning for federated image recognition

Y Zhang, Y Xu, S Wei, Y Wang, Y Li, X Shang - Pattern Recognition, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the problem of personalized federated learning (FL) with the schema
of contrastive learning (CL), which is to implement collaborative pattern classification by …

Federated cycling (FedCy): Semi-supervised Federated Learning of surgical phases

H Kassem, D Alapatt, P Mascagni… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 -
Recent advancements in deep learning methods bring computer-assistance a step closer to
fulfilling promises of safer surgical procedures. However, the generalizability of such …

Uncertainty minimization for personalized federated semi-supervised learning

Y Shi, S Chen, H Zhang - IEEE Transactions on Network …, 2022 -
Since federated learning (FL) has been introduced as a decentralized learning technique
with privacy preservation, statistical heterogeneity of distributed data stays the main obstacle …

When does the student surpass the teacher? Federated Semi-supervised Learning with Teacher-Student EMA

J Zhao, S Ghosh, A Bharadwaj, CY Ma - arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10114, 2023 -
Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) has received extensive attention in the domain of
computer vision, leading to development of promising approaches such as FixMatch. In …

Unsupervised federated optimization at the edge: D2D-enabled learning without labels

S Wagle, S Hosseinalipour… - IEEE Transactions …, 2024 -
Federated learning (FL) is a popular solution for distributed machine learning (ML). While FL
has traditionally been studied for supervised ML tasks, in many applications, it is impractical …

MrTF: model refinery for transductive federated learning

XC Li, Y Yang, DC Zhan - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2023 - Springer
We consider a real-world scenario in which a newly-established pilot project needs to make
inferences for newly-collected data with the help of other parties under privacy protection …

Ferrari: A personalized federated learning framework for heterogeneous edge clients

Z Yao, J Liu, H Xu, L Wang, C Qian… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
Federated semi-supervised learning (FSSL) has been proposed to address the insufficient
labeled data problem by training models with pseudo-labeling. In previous FSSL systems, a …

Semi-Supervised Decentralized Machine Learning with Device-to-Device Cooperation

Z Jiang, Y Xu, H Xu, Z Wang, J Liu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
The massive data from mobile and embedded devices have huge potential for training
machine learning models. Decentralized machine learning (DML) can avoid the inherent …

Contrastive encoder pre-training-based clustered federated learning for heterogeneous data

YL Tun, MNH Nguyen, CM Thwal, J Choi, CS Hong - Neural Networks, 2023 - Elsevier
Federated learning (FL) is a promising approach that enables distributed clients to
collaboratively train a global model while preserving their data privacy. However, FL often …

FedLID: Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Leveraging Limited Image Data

A Psaltis, A Kastellos, CZ Patrikakis… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
This study investigates the challenging task of training visual models with very few available
data, further complicated by the distribution being imbalanced and scattered across nodes …