Sulpiride: an antipsychotic with selective dopaminergic antagonist properties

CF Caley, SS Weber - Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 1995 -
Objective: To review the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, clinical investigations, and
adverse effects of sulpiride as a treatment for schizophrenia. Data Sources: Information was …

Involvement of serotonin and dopamine in the mechanism of action of novel antidepressant drugs: a review

N Bonhomme, E Esposito - Journal of clinical …, 1998 -
Several hypotheses regarding the physiopathology of major depression exist. Attention has
been focused on cerebral monoaminergic systems, the dysfunction of which is thought to …

Are there dissociable roles of the mesostriatal and mesolimbocortical dopamine systems on temporal information processing in humans?

TH Rammsayer - Neuropsychobiology, 1997 -
There is some experimental evidence suggesting that temporal processing of brief duration
in the range of milliseconds is based on dopamine (DA)-dependent neural counting …

Dopamine-D2-receptor blockade reverses the association between trait approach motivation and frontal asymmetry in an approach-motivation context

J Wacker, EM Mueller, DA Pizzagalli… - Psychological …, 2013 -
Individual differences in the behavioral approach system (BAS)—referred to as trait
approach motivation or trait BAS)—have been linked to both frontal electroencephalogram …

Methylphenidate boosts choices of mental labor over leisure depending on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity

L Hofmans, D Papadopetraki… - …, 2020 -
The cognitive enhancing effects of methylphenidate are well established, but the
mechanisms remain unclear. We recently demonstrated that methylphenidate boosts …

A risk-benefit assessment of sulpiride in the treatment of schizophrenia

MC Mauri, S Bravin, A Bitetto, R Rudelli, G Invernizzi - Drug Safety, 1996 - Springer
Sulpiride is a substituted benzamide with a selective action on receptors of the dopamine D
2-like family, and clinical and pharmacological data suggest that it could be considered to be …

Improving the prediction of the brain disposition for orally administered drugs using BDDCS

F Broccatelli, CA Larregieu, G Cruciani, TI Oprea… - Advanced drug delivery …, 2012 - Elsevier
In modeling blood–brain barrier (BBB) passage, in silico models have yielded~ 80%
prediction accuracy, and are currently used in early drug discovery. Being derived from …

The substituted benzamides and their clinical potential on dysthymia and on the negative symptoms of schizophrenia

L Pani, GL Gessa - Molecular psychiatry, 2002 -
In this paper the historical and scientific background that led to the use of substituted
benzamides in two apparently unrelated clinical conditions namely dysthymic disorder and …

The role of dopamine in the perceptual modulation of nociceptive stimuli by monetary wins or losses

S Becker, W Gandhi, NM Elfassy… - European Journal of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Dopamine has been suggested to have direct antinociceptive effects. However, effects on
the motivation to endure or to avoid nociceptive stimulation would be more in line with …

Inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase and monoacylglycerol lipase: new targets for future antidepressants

S Ogawa, H Kunugi - Current neuropharmacology, 2015 -
Cannabis and analogs of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol have been used for therapeutic
purposes, but their therapeutic use remains limited because of various adverse effects …