Empirical goodwill research: Insights, issues, and implications for standard setting and future research

A Amel-Zadeh, M Glaum, T Sellhorn - European Accounting …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper reviews the empirical literature on the determinants and decision usefulness of
goodwill reporting. We structure our discussion around five guiding questions that reflect …

Do fair value measurements affect accounting-based earnings quality? A literature review with a focus on corporate governance as moderator

J Thesing, P Velte - Journal of Business Economics, 2021 - Springer
This structured literature review of 48 archival-based studies investigates the influence of fair
value measurements on earnings quality and stresses the moderating impact of corporate …

Goodwill impairment: The effects of public enforcement and monitoring by institutional investors

M Glaum, WR Landsman, S Wyrwa - The accounting review, 2018 - publications.aaahq.org
This study investigates the determinants of goodwill impairment decisions by firms applying
IFRS based on a comprehensive sample of stock-listed firms from 21 countries. Multivariate …

The differential effect of accrual-based and real earnings management on audit fees: international evidence

A Choi, EY Lee, S Park, BC Sohn - Accounting and Business …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigates the relative importance of accrual-based earnings management
(AEM) and real earnings management (REM) as reflected in audit fees. Auditors charge not …

Market reaction to goodwill impairments

T Knauer, A Wöhrmann - European accounting review, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the information content of goodwill write-downs under International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 36 (Impairment of Assets) and Statement of Financial Accounting …

Examining the patterns of goodwill impairments in Europe and the US

P André, A Filip, L Paugam - Accounting in Europe, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
We examine the patterns of goodwill impairments in Europe and in the US over the period
from 2006 to 2015, for a sample of more than 35,000 firm-year observations. We define the …

Managerial ability and goodwill impairment

L Sun - Advances in accounting, 2016 - Elsevier
This study examines the relationship between managerial ability and goodwill impairment. I
predict a negative relationship because prior studies suggest that more-able managers …

The impact of audit quality indicators on the timeliness of goodwill impairments: Evidence from the German setting

BT Albersmann, R Quick - Abacus, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigates whether goodwill impairments are perceived as timely and whether
specific auditor characteristics affect the perceived timeliness. It therefore contributes to …

Corporate Social Responsibility and Goodwill Impairment: Evidence from Charitable Donations of Chinese Listed Companies

ZF Li, X Lu, J Wang - Available at SSRN 4337571, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility and timeliness
of goodwill impairment. Goodwill is the premium paid when a business is acquired. If the …

Narrative disclosure quality and the timeliness of goodwill impairments

GE Iatridis, K Pappas, M Walker - The British Accounting Review, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper studies the relation between the quality of corporate narrative disclosure and the
timeliness of goodwill impairments. We combine five measures of the linguistic content of …