[HTML][HTML] STEAMER Hybrid Learning Project for Creative and Computational Thinking: Perspectives from Elementary School Teacher Candidates

FN Kumala, AD Yasa, M Salimi - International Journal of Educational …, 2024 - ijem.com
The computing and creative skills of students in Indonesia are still low since the government
has not focused on student creativity and computational empowerment programs. This …

[PDF][PDF] Reflections and Pattern Recognition in Problem Based Learning

V Torgal, P Hegade, A Shettar - Journal of …, 2024 - sciresol.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws …
Problem based learning, being student-centered, has been widely used in education
programs to enhance the learning process. Self-directed learning and critical thinking are …

STEM and STEAM Affects Computational Thinking Skill: A Systematic Literature Review

SS Syafe'i, HR Widarti, IW Dasna… - Orbital: The Electronic …, 2023 - periodicos.ufms.br
Abstract STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) dan STEAM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) melawan CT (Computational Thinking) …

[PDF][PDF] Developing Critical Thinking of Students with Hearing Impairment for Computational Thinking in Mathematics with E Module Design

S Wahyu Andriyani, R Ilato, AM Said… - PSYCHOLOGY …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This research aims to analyse and design the e-module learning based on computational
thinking for increasing the critical thinking skill of students with hearing impairment. This …

Application of the hybrid learning project STEAMER in science courses for prospective elementary school teachers: Computational thinking and creative thinking

FN Kumala, AD Yasa, AP Wibawa… - Multidisciplinary Science …, 2024 - malque.pub
This research aims to describe the application of the STEAMER hybrid learning project in
training computational and creative thinking skills of prospective elementary school teacher …

[PDF][PDF] Computational thinking with Girlguiding

J Robertson, K Farrell, T Berg, H Linklater - 2023 - osf.io
Computational thinking with Girlguiding Page 1 1 Computational thinking with Girlguiding Judy
Robertsona, Kate Farrella, Tessa Bergb and Holly Linklatera a Moray House School of …

[引用][C] Project Based Learning Assessment Guide (Project Based Learning) Oriented to Phenomenon Based Learning

LNGA Dewi, IW Widiana, INL Jayanta - Journal of Education Research and …, 2024