Many-body localization in the age of classical computing
Statistical mechanics provides a framework for describing the physics of large, complex
many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
Anderson localization transition in disordered hyperbolic lattices
We study Anderson localization in disordered tight-binding models on hyperbolic lattices.
Such lattices are geometries intermediate between ordinary two-dimensional crystalline …
Such lattices are geometries intermediate between ordinary two-dimensional crystalline …
Renormalization group analysis of the Anderson model on random regular graphs
C Vanoni, BL Altshuler, VE Kravtsov… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 -
We present a renormalization group (RG) analysis of the problem of Anderson localization
on a random regular graph (RRG) which generalizes the RG of Abrahams, Anderson …
on a random regular graph (RRG) which generalizes the RG of Abrahams, Anderson …
The Fock-space landscape of many-body localisation
This article reviews recent progress in understanding the physics of many-body localisation
(MBL) in disordered and interacting quantum many-body systems, from the perspective of …
(MBL) in disordered and interacting quantum many-body systems, from the perspective of …
Interaction-Driven Instabilities in the Random-Field Chain
Despite enormous efforts devoted to the study of the many-body localization (MBL)
phenomenon, the nature of the high-energy behavior of the Heisenberg spin chain in a …
phenomenon, the nature of the high-energy behavior of the Heisenberg spin chain in a …
Universality in Anderson localization on random graphs with varying connectivity
We perform a thorough and complete analysis of the Anderson localization transition on
several models of random graphs with regular and random connectivity. The unprecedented …
several models of random graphs with regular and random connectivity. The unprecedented …
Localization challenges quantum chaos in the finite two-dimensional Anderson model
It is believed that the two-dimensional (2D) Anderson model exhibits localization for any
nonzero disorder in the thermodynamic limit and it is also well known that the finite-size …
nonzero disorder in the thermodynamic limit and it is also well known that the finite-size …
Similarity between a many-body quantum avalanche model and the ultrametric random matrix model
In the field of ergodicity-breaking phases, it has been recognized that quantum avalanches
can destabilize many-body localization at a wide range of disorder strengths. This has in …
can destabilize many-body localization at a wide range of disorder strengths. This has in …
Large-deviation analysis of rare resonances for the many-body localization transition
A central theoretical issue at the core of the current research on many-body localization
(MBL) consists in characterizing the statistics of rare long-range resonances in many-body …
(MBL) consists in characterizing the statistics of rare long-range resonances in many-body …
Multifractal phase in the weighted adjacency matrices of random Erdös-Rényi graphs
We study the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix in the giant connected component
of Erdös-Rényi random graphs, with average degree p and randomly distributed hopping …
of Erdös-Rényi random graphs, with average degree p and randomly distributed hopping …