[HTML][HTML] University-based training courses for literary translators in the twenty-first century: An overview from the United Kingdom

A Hoyte-West - Translation Studies: Theory аnd Practice, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
As part of a wider project exploring literary translation in the United Kingdom, the present
article profiles the three named postgraduate taught courses focusing exclusively on literary …

Literary translators as an elite: A preliminary overview

A Hoyte-West - Sociologia și asistența socială: cercetare și …, 2022 - ibn.idsi.md
Anecdotally, literary translators often have elite status among translation professionals.
However, studies exploring the intersection between elite sociology and literary translators …

Exploring the presence of smaller literatures in two British prizes for literary translation

A Hoyte-West - Ars & Humanitas, 2023 - journals.uni-lj.si
This article offers an overview of the visibility of smaller literatures in two prominent British
literary translation awards: the Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize and the Warwick Prize for Women in …

A Talented Few? Exploring the Trajectories of Prize-Winning Literary Translators

A Hoyte-West - Cultural Perspectives-Journal for Literary and British …, 2023 - ceeol.com
Within the hierarchy of the wider translational professions, it is commonly accepted that
literary translators enjoy a privileged position. However, it is only comparatively recently that …

On the Visibility of Literary Translators Working from Smaller Languages into English: Some Observations from the United Kingdom

A Hoyte-West - Analele Universităţii Ovidius din Constanţa. Seria …, 2023 - ceeol.com
The present article explores the current situation regarding the visibility of literary translators–
and consequently, of literary translation–within the general British context, focusing …