Information and reformation in KM systems: big data and strategic decision-making

A Intezari, S Gressel - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2017 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework of how knowledge
management (KM) systems can facilitate the incorporation of big data into strategic …

Big data classification: applications and challenges

PKD Pramanik, M Mukhopadhyay, S Pal - Artificial Intelligence and IoT …, 2021 - Springer
In the era of Big Data, a massive amount of data is generated and collected, continually,
from various sources. To use these data for their optimum value, ie to uncover correlations …

Big Data classification: techniques and tools

PKD Pramanik, S Pal, M Mukhopadhyay… - Applications of Big Data in …, 2021 - Elsevier
An enormous volume of data, known as Big Data, of varied properties, is continuously being
generating from several sources. For efficient and consequential use of this huge amount of …

A Novel Transfer Learning Method for Code Smell Detection on Heterogeneous Data: A Feasibility Study

R Gupta, SK Singh - SN Computer Science, 2023 - Springer
Code smell detection has been primarily focused on homogeneous data. However, due to
diverse sources of data, in a real-life scenario, the unseen target data on which code smell …

Hakka genealogical migration analysis enhancement using big data on library services

CC Chang - Library Hi Tech, 2018 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the data connection, spatial distribution
characteristics and trends in genealogical information. First, it implements a spatial-temporal …

Mathematical and statistical foundations and challenges of (big) data sciences

LG Nongxa - South African Journal of Science, 2017 -
The hype around data sciences in general and big data in particular and the focus either on
the potential commercial value of data analytics or on promoting its adoption as a new …

Indexing in big data

MM Nashipudimath, SK Shinde - Computing, Communication and Signal …, 2019 - Springer
Nowadays communication is through social media for almost all activities like business,
knowledge, personal updates, etc. This leads to the generation of large amount of data …

Big Data Security Trends

R Bhatia, M Sood - International Conference on Innovative Computing and …, 2022 - Springer
The continuous tremendous growth in big data gives birth to many associated issues such
as efficient/effective handling, processing, securing, maintaining privacy, and managing …

Application of big data in healthcare: Opportunities, challenges and techniques

MR Hoque, Y Bao - Big data: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2016 -
This chapter investigates the application, opportunities, challenges and techniques of Big
Data in healthcare. The healthcare industry is one of the most important, largest, and fastest …

[PDF][PDF] Role of big data in healthcare with non-invasive and minimal-invasive medical imaging modality

S Dubay, YK Gupta, D Soni - Int J Innov Res Comput Commun …, 2017 -
The stacks of global healthcare data are increasing exponentially. To supply high value
healthcare at lower cost there is a need felt in the direction of implementing successful big …