[图书][B] The return of inequality: Social change and the weight of the past

M Savage - 2021 - books.google.com
A pioneering book that takes us beyond economic debate to show how inequality is
returning us to a past dominated by empires, dynastic elites, and ethnic divisions. The …

[图书][B] A sense of inequality

W Bottero - 2019 - books.google.com
We have a detailed picture of how inequality impacts people's lives, but a much weaker
sense of how people perceive, interpret and understand issues of inequality. What shapes …

Lessons from Grenfell: Poverty propaganda, stigma and class power

T Shildrick - The Sociological Review, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The Grenfell Tower fire that took place in a council owned high-rise housing block in the
early hours of 14 June 2017 in the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea represented …

'A very expensive ordinary life': consumption, symbolic boundaries and moral legitimacy among New York elites

R Sherman - Socio-Economic Review, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Scholarship on elites, including on their consumption, tends to focus primarily on social
closure and the pursuit of social advantage. Research has therefore not investigated the …

Wealth elite moralities: Wealthy entrepreneurs' moral boundaries

A Kantola, H Kuusela - Sociology, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This article examines the moral boundary work of wealthy Finnish entrepreneurs belonging
to the country's top 0.1 per cent of earners. Through 28 semi-structured interviews, we show …

Learning to own: Cross-generational meanings of wealth and class-making in wealthy Finnish families

H Kuusela - The Sociological Review, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Family wealth and cross-generational wealth accumulation have recently interested
scholars across the social sciences. Debates concerning the economic role of the wealthy …

[图书][B] Modern work and the marketisation of higher education

G Tholen - 2022 - books.google.com
Over recent decades, national Higher Education sectors across the world have experienced
a gradual process of marketisation. This book offers a new interpretation on why and how …

The hyperopia of wealth: The cultural legitimation of economic inequalities by top earners

H Kuusela - Socio-Economic Review, 2022 - academic.oup.com
The article explores the attitudes and perceptions of those at the top of the income scale
toward economic inequalities. Through a qualitative case study, it presents how a group of …

Varieties of affluence: How political attitudes of the rich are shaped by income or wealth

HLR Arndt - European Sociological Review, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Sociological research often uses income as the only indicator to describe or proxy the group
of the rich. This article develops an alternative framework in order to describe varieties of …

Against accumulation: Class traitors challenge wealth and worth

R Sherman - Sociologica, 2021 - sociologica.unibo.it
Rich people are generally represented, both by academics and in popular culture, as
desiring always to maximize and legitimate their wealth and social advantages. But some …