Ranking authors in academic social networks: a survey

T Amjad, A Daud, NR Aljohani - Library Hi Tech, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose This study reviews the methods found in the literature for the ranking of authors,
identifies the pros and cons of these methods, discusses and compares these methods. The …

Expertise retrieval

K Balog, Y Fang, M De Rijke… - … and Trends® in …, 2012 - nowpublishers.com
People have looked for experts since before the advent of computers. With advances in
information retrieval technology and the large-scale availability of digital traces of …

Mining advisor-advisee relationships from research publication networks

C Wang, J Han, Y Jia, J Tang, D Zhang, Y Yu… - Proceedings of the 16th …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Information network contains abundant knowledge about relationships among people or
entities. Unfortunately, such kind of knowledge is often hidden in a network where different …

An artificial intelligence-based framework for data-driven categorization of computer scientists: a case study of world's top 10 computing departments

N Ali, Z Halim, SF Hussain - Scientometrics, 2023 - Springer
The total number of published articles and the resulting citations are generally
acknowledged as suitable criteria of the scientist's evaluation. However, it is challenging to …

Learning to rank academic experts in the DBLP dataset

C Moreira, P Calado, B Martins - Expert Systems, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Expert finding is an information retrieval task that is concerned with the search for the most
knowledgeable people with respect to a specific topic, and the search is based on …

Finding academic experts on a multisensor approach using Shannon's entropy

C Moreira, A Wichert - Expert Systems with Applications, 2013 - Elsevier
Expert finding is an information retrieval task concerned with the search for the most
knowledgeable people, in some topic, with basis on documents describing peoples …

Method for selecting expert groups and determining the importance of expert´ s judgments for the purpose of managerial decision-making tasks in health system

I Ivlev, P Kneppo, M Barták - 2015 - otik.uk.zcu.cz

Personalized expertise search at LinkedIn

V Ha-Thuc, G Venkataraman… - … Conference on Big …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Linkedln is the largest professional network with more than 350 million members. As the
member base increases, searching for experts becomes more and more challenging. In this …

CSSeer: an expert recommendation system based on CiteseerX

HH Chen, P Treeratpituk, P Mitra, CL Giles - … of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
We propose CSSeer, a free and publicly available keyphrase based recommendation
system for expert discovery based on the CiteSeerX digital library and Wikipedia as an …

Learning to rank for expert search in digital libraries of academic publications

C Moreira, P Calado, B Martins - Portuguese conference on artificial …, 2011 - Springer
The task of expert finding has been getting increasing attention in information retrieval
literature. However, the current state-of-the-art is still lacking in principled approaches for …