Power laws in physics
JP Sethna - Nature Reviews Physics, 2022 - nature.com
Power laws in physics | Nature Reviews Physics Skip to main content Thank you for visiting
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Jamming and unusual charge density fluctuations of strange metals
The strange metallic regime across a number of high-temperature superconducting
materials presents numerous challenges to the classic theory of Fermi liquid metals. Recent …
materials presents numerous challenges to the classic theory of Fermi liquid metals. Recent …
Universal scaling of shear thickening transitions
Nearly, all dense suspensions undergo dramatic and abrupt thickening transitions in their
flow behavior when sheared at high stresses. Such transitions occur when the dominant …
flow behavior when sheared at high stresses. Such transitions occur when the dominant …
Critical-like slowdown in thermal soft-sphere glasses via energy minimization
Using hybrid molecular dynamics/SWAP Monte Carlo (MD/SMC) simulations, we show that
while the terminal relaxation times τ (ϕ) for FIRE energy minimization of soft-sphere glasses …
while the terminal relaxation times τ (ϕ) for FIRE energy minimization of soft-sphere glasses …
Effective medium theory for viscoelasticity of soft jammed solids
H Mizuno, A Ikeda - Europhysics Letters, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The viscoelastic properties of soft jammed solids, such as foams, emulsions, and soft
colloids, have been extensively studied in experiments. A particular focus has been placed …
colloids, have been extensively studied in experiments. A particular focus has been placed …
Universal scaling function ansatz for finite-temperature jamming
We cast a nonzero-temperature analysis of the jamming transition into the framework of a
scaling ansatz. We show that four distinct regimes for scaling exponents of thermodynamic …
scaling ansatz. We show that four distinct regimes for scaling exponents of thermodynamic …
Critical slowing down in thermal soft-sphere glasses via energy minimization
Using hybrid molecular dynamics/SWAP Monte Carlo (MD/SMC) simulations, we show that
the terminal relaxation times $\tau $ for FIRE energy minimization of soft-sphere glasses …
the terminal relaxation times $\tau $ for FIRE energy minimization of soft-sphere glasses …
Universal scaling solution for a rigidity transition: renormalization group flows near the upper critical dimension
Rigidity transitions induced by the formation of system-spanning disordered rigid clusters,
like the jamming transition, can be well-described in most physically relevant dimensions by …
like the jamming transition, can be well-described in most physically relevant dimensions by …
Hard-needle elastomer in one spatial dimension
We perform exact statistical mechanics calculations for a system of elongated objects (hard
needles) that are restricted to translate along a line and rotate within a plane, and that …
needles) that are restricted to translate along a line and rotate within a plane, and that …
Universal scaling for disordered viscoelastic matter II: Collapses, global behavior and spatio-temporal properties
Disordered viscoelastic materials are ubiquitous and exhibit fascinating invariant scaling
properties. In a companion article, we have presented comprehensive new results for the …
properties. In a companion article, we have presented comprehensive new results for the …