Implantable, wireless device platforms for neuroscience research

P Gutruf, JA Rogers - Current opinion in neurobiology, 2018 - Elsevier
Recently developed classes of ultraminiaturized wireless devices provide powerful
capabilities in neuroscience research, as implantable light sources for simulation/inhibition …

A wireless headstage for combined optogenetics and multichannel electrophysiological recording

G Gagnon-Turcotte, Y LeChasseur… - IEEE transactions on …, 2016 -
This paper presents a wireless headstage with real-time spike detection and data
compression for combined optogenetics and multichannel electrophysiological recording …

A wireless 32-channel implantable bidirectional brain machine interface

Y Su, S Routhu, KS Moon, SQ Lee, WS Youm, Y Ozturk - Sensors, 2016 -
All neural information systems (NIS) rely on sensing neural activity to supply commands and
control signals for computers, machines and a variety of prosthetic devices. Invasive systems …

A wireless electro-optic headstage with digital signal processing and data compression for multimodal electrophysiology and optogenetic stimulation

G Bilodeau, G Gagnon-Turcotte… - … on Circuits and …, 2020 -
This paper presents a wireless electro-optic headstage for parallel electrophysiological
recording of neural action potential (AP), local field potentials (LFP) and electromyography …

Compression of Extracellular Neural Signals

A Alinejad - 2024 -
Hjernesykdommer som demens og Parkinsons sykdom rammer millioner av mennesker og
utgjør et av de største helseproblemene verden står overfor i dag. Per nå er utviklingen er …

[PDF][PDF] Design of energy-efficient RISC-V-based edge-computing devices

PD Schiavone - 2020 -
In the Era of Connection, every object collects data and sends them to the central servers
where hidden information is extracted, creating the Internet-of-things (IoT). Such objects, or …

Neuro-PULP: a paradigm shift towards fully programmable platforms for neural interfaces

PD Schiavone, D Rossi, Y Liu, S Benatti… - 2020 2nd IEEE …, 2020 -
Designing systems with many recording channels is a major challenge in brain-machine
interfaces. Power, bandwidth, and size requirements impose tight design constraints for …

FSM Based Spike Detection for Multichannel Neural Signal Processor.

VK Reddy, RK AV - Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative …, 2021 -
A non-implantable Micro system typically is used to monitor activity of the brain. It requires
on-chip real time processor which is processing of multi-channel neural signal with less …

Transmission d'énergie sans fil pour les implants biomédicaux

H Jouaicha - 2021 -
Au cours des dernières années, le progrès des dispositifs électroniques implantables
alimentés par des technologies sans fil a évolué continuellement et le besoin d'une …

Interfaces neuronales CMOS haute résolution pour l'électrophysiologie et l'optogénétique en boucle fermée

G Gagnon-Turcotte - 2019 -
Résumé L'avenir de la recherche sur les maladies du cerveau repose sur le développement
de nouvelles technologies qui permettront de comprendre comment cet organe si complexe …