[HTML][HTML] Workers as actors at the micro-level of sustainability transitions: A systematic literature review

F Moilanen, T Alasoini - Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 2023 - Elsevier
Work and workers have been neglected topics in sustainability transitions research. Our
systematic literature review of 28 academic papers on the subject reveals five ways in which …

Scientists' warnings and the need to reimagine, recreate, and restore environmental education

A Reid, J Dillon, N Ardoin… - Environmental Education …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Three decades have passed since approximately 1,700 scientists signed the World
Scientists' Warning to Humanity highlighting severe environmental problems and trends …

No agency and responsibility for the privileged? Perceptions of climate action among high socioeconomic status citizens in the United Kingdom

S Duncan, A Hjelmskog, EK Papies - Energy Research & Social Science, 2024 - Elsevier
Addressing climate change requires significant individual behaviour change, as well as
deep societal transformations to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Individuals …

Managing academic air travel emissions: Towards system-wide practice change

SHY Tseng, C Lee, J Higham - Transportation Research Part D: Transport …, 2022 - Elsevier
The high carbon emissions arising from academic air travel has become a priority issue for
university sustainability programmes. However, efforts to mitigate academic air travel …

The carbon footprint of scientific visibility

O Berné, L Agier, A Hardy, E Lellouch… - Environmental …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
In the face of global warming, academics have started to consider and analyze the
environmental and carbon footprint associated with their professional activity. Among the …

Universities, sustainability, and neoliberalism: Contradictions of the climate emergency declarations

K O'Neill, C Sinden - Politics and Governance, 2021 - cogitatiopress.com
UK universities have been successively declaring a climate emergency, following the
University of Bristol's lead in 2019. Universities are key actors in climate change education …

Decarbonizing business travel: a qualitative exploration of the (mis-) alignment between knowledge organizations' climate strategies and travel practices

A Müller - Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Business travel is a major contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions of knowledge
organizations. Through four case studies, the present research uses qualitative-structuring …

Limiting red meat availability in a university food service setting reduces food-related greenhouse gas emissions by one-third

NJ Lambrecht, L Hoey, A Bryan, M Heller, AD Jones - Climatic Change, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Higher Education Institutions (HEI) can contribute to climate change mitigation
through reductions in food-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We examined the …

Flying high in academia—willingness of university staff to perform low-carbon behavior change in business travel

A Thaller, A Schreuer, A Posch - Frontiers in Sustainability, 2021 - frontiersin.org
This study aims to explore the factors that influence business travel decisions of university
staff, in particular the extent and ways in which they are willing to reduce emission-intensive …

An evidence-based approach to accelerate flight reduction in academia

S Görlinger, C Merrem, M Jungmann, N Aeschbach - npj Climate Action, 2023 - nature.com
On the path towards net zero emissions in academia, reducing flight emissions is of high
importance, yet particularly difficult to achieve. Flight emissions have a major share of the …