Qb4mobolap: A vocabulary extension for mobility olap on the semantic web
The accessibility of devices that track the positions of moving objects has attracted many
researchers in Mobility Online Analytical Processing (Mobility OLAP). Mobility OLAP makes …
researchers in Mobility Online Analytical Processing (Mobility OLAP). Mobility OLAP makes …
The analysis and design of independent smallholders FFB palm oil supply system to support traceability of CPO product derivatives
K Falgenti, E Hambali - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
The mandatory biodiesel program in Indonesia requires more Crude Palm Oil (CPO). POM
requires FFB from independent smallholders to maximize CPO production. POM usually …
requires FFB from independent smallholders to maximize CPO production. POM usually …
Applying mobility business intelligence concept in analyzing oil palm plantation productivity
The palm oil business employs almost 20 million people, generates USD 21 billion in
revenue, and plays a vital role in Indonesia's social economy. The Fresh Fruit Bunches …
revenue, and plays a vital role in Indonesia's social economy. The Fresh Fruit Bunches …
[PDF][PDF] Berkas-Dr. Ir. Andreas Wahyu K., M. Eng.-0504026801
AW Krisdiarto - Instiper Yogyakarta, 2023 - repo.instiperjogja.ac.id
Pengangkutan tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit merupakan satu tahap krusial dalam
sistem produksi minyak kelapa sawit. Produktivitas dan efisiensi akibat pergerakan truk …
sistem produksi minyak kelapa sawit. Produktivitas dan efisiensi akibat pergerakan truk …
[PDF][PDF] IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
AM Nuryadi, A Bafadal, L Sara - 2021 - repository.nusamandiri.ac.id
Preface_2nd ITaMSA 2021_Version2_Rev2 Page 1 IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science PAPER • OPEN ACCESS Preface To cite this article: 2022 IOP Conf …
Environmental Science PAPER • OPEN ACCESS Preface To cite this article: 2022 IOP Conf …
TH Sagoro - 2023 - eprints.instiperjogja.ac.id
Peta foto udara menggunakan pesawat udara tanpa awak di perkebunan kelapa sawit
umumnya digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah pokok tanaman kelapa sawit. Seiring …
umumnya digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah pokok tanaman kelapa sawit. Seiring …