The future of organic insect pest management: Be a better entomologist or pay for someone who is

D Headrick - Insects, 2021 -
Simple Summary The Federal National Organic Program (NOP) guidelines for pest
management can be viewed as constraining to certified organic growers giving them a …

Technological Advances to Address Current Issues in Entomology: 2020 Student Debates

L Bernaola, M Darlington, K Britt, P Prade… - Journal of Insect …, 2021 -
Abstract The 2020 Student Debates of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) were live-
streamed during the Virtual Annual Meeting to debate current, prominent entomological …

[PDF][PDF] The Future of Organic Insect Pest Management: Be a Better Entomologist or Pay for Someone Who Is. Insects 2021, 12, 140

D Headrick - 2021 -
Insect pest management in certified organic production systems presents considerable
challenges for growers. The Federal National Organic Program (NOP) guidelines list …