Experimental research on labor market discrimination
D Neumark - Journal of Economic Literature, 2018 - aeaweb.org
Understanding whether labor market discrimination explains inferior labor market outcomes
for many groups has drawn the attention of labor economists for decades—at least since the …
for many groups has drawn the attention of labor economists for decades—at least since the …
A multidisciplinary survey on discrimination analysis
A Romei, S Ruggieri - The Knowledge Engineering Review, 2014 - cambridge.org
The collection and analysis of observational and experimental data represent the main tools
for assessing the presence, the extent, the nature, and the trend of discrimination …
for assessing the presence, the extent, the nature, and the trend of discrimination …
Race and marriage in the labor market: A discrimination correspondence study in a developing country
EO Arceo-Gomez, RM Campos-Vazquez - American Economic Review, 2014 - aeaweb.org
In Mexico, as in most Latin American countries with indigenous populations, it is commonly
believed that European phenotypes are preferred to mestizo or indigenous phenotypes …
believed that European phenotypes are preferred to mestizo or indigenous phenotypes …
[图书][B] Gender-based employment segregation: Understanding causes and policy interventions
S Das, A Kotikula - 2019 - lawscopelibrary.com
Employment segregation—the unequal distribution of female and male workers across and
within job types—is often at the heart of gender gaps in job quality, wage and employment …
within job types—is often at the heart of gender gaps in job quality, wage and employment …
Labor market discrimination in Lima, Peru: Evidence from a field experiment
FB Galarza, G Yamada - World Development, 2014 - Elsevier
We analyze labor discrimination in Peru, a fast-growing country where much anecdotal
evidence suggests the presence of discriminatory practices in everyday life. Using surnames …
evidence suggests the presence of discriminatory practices in everyday life. Using surnames …
Association between the non-use of health services and maltreatment based on ethnicity in Peru
P Herrera-Añazco, VA Benites-Zapata… - Journal of health care …, 2022 - muse.jhu.edu
Objective. To determine the association between the non-use of health services due to
mistreatment based on ethnicity in Peru. Methods. Secondary analysis of National …
mistreatment based on ethnicity in Peru. Methods. Secondary analysis of National …
El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y encuestas en el Perú: balance y aportes para una discusión
N Valdivia - 2011 - ssoar.info
El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y encuestas en el Perú: balance y aportes
para una discusión Page 1 www.ssoar.info El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y …
para una discusión Page 1 www.ssoar.info El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y …
La discriminación racial, étnica y social en el Perú: balance crítico de la evidencia empírica reciente
M Santos - Debates en sociología, 2014 - revistas.pucp.edu.pe
La discriminación, en tanto fenómeno social, constituye un tema de creciente interés en las
ciencias sociales peruanas. En este contexto, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo …
ciencias sociales peruanas. En este contexto, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo …
Evidence-based gender equality policy and pay in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and challenges
R Bando - Latin American Economic Review, 2019 - Springer
This paper aims to identify the main contributing factors to the observed gender pay
inequality in the last 10 years in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also aims to identify the …
inequality in the last 10 years in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also aims to identify the …
[PDF][PDF] Two concepts of discrimination: Inequality of opportunity versus unequal treatment of equals
B Capéau, L Eeman, S Groenez… - Ecore Discussion …, 2012 - dipot.ulb.ac.be
We propose a novel way to cope with the measurement of discrimination in a
multidimensional context. We adopt from the pairwise approach the idea that discrimination …
multidimensional context. We adopt from the pairwise approach the idea that discrimination …