Self-traits and motivations as antecedents of digital media flow and addiction: The Internet, mobile phones, and video games

H Khang, JK Kim, Y Kim - Computers in human behavior, 2013 - Elsevier
In the context of a new paradigm of the media environment, this study aimed to explore
levels of media consumption, self-traits and individual motivations as antecedents of media …

Why do media users multitask?: Motives for general, medium-specific, and content-specific types of multitasking

Y Hwang, HJ Kim, SH Jeong - Computers in Human Behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
This study examined the major motives for multitasking, and how those motives are related
to general, medium-specific, and content-specific types of multitasking. The major motives …

[图书][B] Using the Pomodoro Technique® to help undergraduate students better manage technology-based multitasking during independent study: A design-based …

SA Usman - 2020 -
The issue of student multitasking is debated often in higher education, for example when
discussing whether 'digital native'students can naturally multitask when using technology …

디지털융합세대의미디어이용과정치참여의특징: SNS 와스마트폰을중심으로

이영수, 김성중 - 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지, 2019 -
본 연구는 디지털 융합 세대의 뉴미디어를 이용한 새로운 정치참여 유형을 살펴보는 것이
목적이다. 이를 위해 연령과 다매체 이용 동기에 따라 집단을 구분하여 이들 집단 간에 미디어 …

Development of the adolescent preoccupation with screens scale

SC Hunter, S Houghton, C Zadow, M Rosenberg… - BMC public health, 2017 - Springer
Background Although public health concerns have been raised regarding the detrimental
health effects of increasing rates of electronic screen use among adolescents, such effects …

[PDF][PDF] 시각장애인의페이스북이용: 심층인터뷰연구

박정숙, 김용찬 - 한국언론학보, 2020 -
Korea tried to take advantage of most features of Facebook. This study has theoretical and
methodological implications as a study on social media use among individuals with …

Partisan motivations for news use: Implications for threat perceptions during the 2020 US election

A Figueroa-Caballero, JM Riles - … Disrupted: Communication in the …, 2022 -
Evidence suggests that most Americans do not perceive others in society as trustworthy
(General Social Survey, 2021). One notable influence on the trust individuals perceive …

Analysis of YouTube's role as a new platform between media and consumers

TS Hur, J Im, D Song - Journal of The Korea Society of Computer …, 2022 -
YouTube realistically shows fake news and biased content based on facts that have not
been verified due to low entry barriers and ambiguity in video regulation standards …

Motive on social networking service usage of restaurant customers

SY Shin, SM Cha - Culinary science and hospitality research, 2013 -
The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationships among the motives on
Social Networking Service (SNS) of restaurants customers, attitude toward SNS, and …

[PDF][PDF] Artificial-Intelligence-Based Mood Regulation: Digital Encouragement in the Social Media Era

H Lee, S An, Y Lee - 디지털콘텐츠학회논문지(J. DCS), 2024 -
In today's world, where communication through mobile devices has become common,
research on mobile media as a means of emotional expression and regulation can …