Towards automatic tutoring of Math Word Problems in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

P Arnau-González, A Serrano-Mamolar… - IEEE …, 2023 -
Math Word Problem (MWP) solving, which involves solving math problems in natural
language, is a prevalent approach employed by Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) for …

Teaching language processing with the PAMOJA framework

J Ssanyu, E Bainomugisha, B Kanagwa - Science of Computer …, 2023 - Elsevier
Existing educational tools for language processors have varying capabilities. There is no
single tool that covers every aspect of language processors. As a result, there is a possibility …

Considerations on efficient lexical analysis in the context of compiler design

A Baicoianu, I Plajer - Bulletin of the Transilvania University of …, 2023 -
Each programming language needs a mechanism of translating source code into code
understood by the computer, ie, machine code or assembly. This is done by a compiler. A …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a Holistic Case for Comparing Language Product Line Approaches

T Kühn - 22. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen … -
In recent years, research on language product line (LPL) engineering has emerged.
Building on the ideas of modular compiler construction and software product line …