The use of the Delphi method with non-parametric analysis for identifying sustainability criteria and indicators in evaluating ecotourism management: The case of …

M Fallah, L Ocampo - Environment Systems and Decisions, 2021 - Springer
This paper attempts to develop criteria and indicators (C&I) for measuring the sustainability
of ecotourism activities in Penang National Park (PNP) in Malaysia. In carrying out this …

Trail degradation caused by mountain biking and hiking: A multi-dimensional analysis

W Fang, SL Ng - Journal of environmental management, 2024 - Elsevier
Growing demands for on-trail activities have aroused challenges of how to balance outdoor
recreation and protected area conservation. Unfortunately, most previous studies have …

The Insides of Outdoor Recreation Users towards Recreation Resource Impacts at Taman Negara Pahang, Kuala Tahan

SN Bookhari, Z Hashim, MM Khalid… - IOP Conference Series …, 2022 -
One of the most popular activities in the natural environment is trail walking and hiking. In
such necessity, the trail is considered key to the recreational amenity available for the …

Determination of the Effects of Recreational Activities on Ecosystem Components Andtheir Changes with Distance: The Case of Yedigöller National Park

G Çetin, B ÇETİN, M Sarginci, E Eroğlu… - Available at SSRN … -
National parks have a high resource value for tourism and recreation. This study aimedto
compare the damage levels of recreational activity types depending on changes …

[引用][C] Viewable Terrestrial Mammals along the Nature Trails at the Lowland Tropical Forests of Western Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

WS Lim, AR Mojiol, H Bernard, CA Matunjau, GVG Nair - HAYATI Journal of …, 2024