Analyzing incomplete political science data: An alternative algorithm for multiple imputation
We propose a remedy for the discrepancy between the way political scientists analyze data
with missing values and the recommendations of the statistics community. Methodologists …
with missing values and the recommendations of the statistics community. Methodologists …
Resource loss, resource gain, and psychological resilience and dysfunction following cancer diagnosis: a growth mixture modeling approach.
WK Hou, CC Law, J Yin, YT Fu - Health Psychology, 2010 -
Objective: This study investigated trajectories of psychological distress and their
relationships with change in psychosocial resources in the year following cancer diagnosis …
relationships with change in psychosocial resources in the year following cancer diagnosis …
Changing patterns of sexual risk behavior among London gay men: 1998–2008
S Lattimore, A Thornton, V Delpech… - Sexually transmitted …, 2011 -
Objectives: To examine changes in the sexual behavior of London gay men between 1998
and 2008. Methods: Gay men using London gyms were surveyed annually between 1998 …
and 2008. Methods: Gay men using London gyms were surveyed annually between 1998 …
Strategic politicians and US House elections, 1874–1914
JL Carson, JM Roberts - The Journal of Politics, 2005 -
One of the most fundamental changes in post-World War II congressional elections has
been the rise of candidate-centered campaigns. This phenomenon has given rise to …
been the rise of candidate-centered campaigns. This phenomenon has given rise to …
Being certain versus being right: Citizen certainty and accuracy of house candidates' ideological orientations
JW Koch - Political Behavior, 2003 - Springer
Research on voting behavior has been reinvigorated by focusing on citizens' certainty of
candidates' issue positions and ideological orientations. According to this perspective …
candidates' issue positions and ideological orientations. According to this perspective …
What Predicts Trends in the White House Mail? The Macro Causes of Mass Political Letter Writing to the Chief Executive
B Rottinghaus - American Politics Research, 2012 -
There is voluminous survey evidence identifying which, when, and how individuals contact
elected officials, but there is less evidence by way of external validation. The goal in this …
elected officials, but there is less evidence by way of external validation. The goal in this …
[引用][C] Norm Enforcement, Dependence Networks and the International Criminal Court
[引用][C] The Historical Context of Congressional Elections: Candidate Emergence in 19th and Early 20th Century House Elections.“
JL Carson, JM Roberts - Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science …, 2003
[引用][C] Sticking together: classroom racial diversity and civic education in the US
DE Campbell - American Politics Research