School choice: An examination of the empirical evidence on achievement, parental decision making, and equity

DD Goldhaber - Educational researcher, 1999 -
Support for all forms of school choice—public school choice, charter schools, and public-
private choice—has been growing in recent years. Arguments in favor of greater choice rest …

[图书][B] Academically adrift: Limited learning on college campuses

R Arum, J Roksa - 2011 -
In spite of soaring tuition costs, more and more students go to college every year. A
bachelor's degree is now required for entry into a growing number of professions. And some …

Selection on observed and unobserved variables: Assessing the effectiveness of Catholic schools

JG Altonji, TE Elder, CR Taber - Journal of political economy, 2005 -
In this paper we measure the effect of Catholic high school attendance on educational
attainment and test scores. Because we do not have a good instrumental variable for …

[引用][C] Counterfactuals and causal inference

SL Morgan - 2015 -
In this second edition of Counterfactuals and Causal Inference, completely revised and
expanded, the essential features of the counterfactual approach to observational data …

Adding value: Learning communities and student engagement

CM Zhao, GD Kuh - Research in higher education, 2004 - Springer
This study examines the relationships between participating in learning communities and
student engagement in a range of educationally purposeful activities of first-year and senior …

[图书][B] Aspiring adults adrift: Tentative transitions of college graduates

R Arum, J Roksa - 2014 -
Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper
opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa's 2011 …

[图书][B] The sociology of education: A systematic analysis

J Ballantine, J Stuber, J Everitt - 2021 -
The ninth edition of The Sociology of Education examines the field in rare breadth by
incorporating a diverse range of theoretical approaches and a distinct sociological lens in its …

A hierarchical model for studying school effects

S Raudenbush, AS Bryk - Sociology of education, 1986 - JSTOR
When researchers investigate how school policies, practices, or climates affect student
outcomes, they use multilevel, hierarchical data. Though methodologists have consistently …

Does capital at home matter more than capital at school? Social capital effects on academic achievement

MJ Dufur, TL Parcel, KP Troutman - Research in Social Stratification and …, 2013 - Elsevier
A relatively neglected problem is how individuals derive social capital from more than one
context and the extent to which they benefit from the capital in each. We examine whether …

A comparison of international student and American student engagement in effective educational practices

CM Zhao, GD Kuh, RM Carini - The Journal of Higher Education, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
American society is more diverse now than at any previous time (Keller, 2001). It is no
surprise, then, that knowledgeable observers both inside and outside the academy say that …