A review of groundwater in high mountain environments

LD Somers, JM McKenzie - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Mountain water resources are of particular importance for downstream populations but are
threatened by decreasing water storage in snowpack and glaciers. Groundwater …

Rapid decline of snow and ice in the tropical Andes–Impacts, uncertainties and challenges ahead

M Vuille, M Carey, C Huggel, W Buytaert, A Rabatel… - Earth-science …, 2018 - Elsevier
Glaciers in the tropical Andes have been retreating for the past several decades, leading to
a temporary increase in dry season water supply downstream. Projected future glacier …

Climate change and mountain water resources: overview and recommendations for research, management and policy

D Viviroli, DR Archer, W Buytaert… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2011 - hess.copernicus.org
Mountains are essential sources of freshwater for our world, but their role in global water
resources could well be significantly altered by climate change. How well do we understand …

Carbon sequestration in wetlands, from science to practice: An overview of the biogeochemical process, measurement methods, and policy framework

JA Villa, B Bernal - Ecological Engineering, 2018 - Elsevier
Ecosystem services are becoming increasingly important and a reason to promote the
sustainable use of natural resources. Wetlands provide many valuable ecosystem services …

Peatlands and the carbon cycle: from local processes to global implications–a synthesis

J Limpens, F Berendse, C Blodau, JG Canadell… - …, 2008 - bg.copernicus.org
Peatlands cover only 3% of the Earth's land surface but boreal and subarctic peatlands store
about 15–30% of the world's soil carbon (C) as peat. Despite their potential for large positive …

Climate change and tropical Andean glaciers: Past, present and future

M Vuille, B Francou, P Wagnon, I Juen, G Kaser… - Earth-science …, 2008 - Elsevier
Observations on glacier extent from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia give a detailed and
unequivocal account of rapid shrinkage of tropical Andean glaciers since the Little Ice Age …

Potential impacts of climate change on the environmental services of humid tropical alpine regions

W Buytaert, F Cuesta‐Camacho… - Global Ecology and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Humid tropical alpine environments are crucial ecosystems that sustain biodiversity,
biological processes, carbon storage and surface water provision. They are identified as one …

Climate change projections for the tropical Andes using a regional climate model: Temperature and precipitation simulations for the end of the 21st century

R Urrutia, M Vuille - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
High‐elevation tropical mountain regions may be more strongly affected by future climate
change than their surrounding lowlands. In the tropical Andes a significant increase in …

What factors influence participation in payment for ecosystem services programs? An evaluation of Ecuador's SocioPáramo program

LL Bremer, KA Farley, D Lopez-Carr - Land use policy, 2014 - Elsevier
PES programs have been touted as a means to achieve conservation goals while also
alleviating poverty and promoting rural development. However, the degree to which these …

Impacts of land use on the hydrological response of tropical Andean catchments

BF Ochoa‐Tocachi, W Buytaert… - Hydrological …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Changes in land use and land cover are major drivers of hydrological alteration in
the tropical Andes. However, quantifying their impacts is fraught with difficulties because of …