Effects of organizational trust on organizational learning and creativity
Y Jiang, WK Chen - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and …, 2017 - ejmste.com
Background: In the knowledge economy era, the competitive advantage of an enterprise is
established on intangible resources and capability. Trust allows individuals acquiring and …
established on intangible resources and capability. Trust allows individuals acquiring and …
Organizacijos reputacijos įtaka suinteresuotųjų šalių pasitikėjimui organizacija
M Matulevičienė - 2018 - epubl.ktu.edu
Abstract [eng] Before global and local crises are destabilizing stakeholder trust in the
organizations, these should seek a long-term problem solution of stakeholder distrust. One …
organizations, these should seek a long-term problem solution of stakeholder distrust. One …
İnsan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamalarının örgüte duyulan güvene etkisi: örgütsel adaletin aracılık rolü
H Bayramlık - ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human …, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
Çalışanların örgüte ve yöneticilere karşı duydukları güvenin birçok örgütsel değişkenle
olumlu bir ilişkisi vardır. Sosyal Mübadele Kuramına göre çalışanların örgüt ile ilişkileri …
olumlu bir ilişkisi vardır. Sosyal Mübadele Kuramına göre çalışanların örgüt ile ilişkileri …
An investigation and modeling of the intermediary role of psychological capital in the relationship between organizational trust and job performance
H Shamhi, K Vesisi, K Hatami… - PODIUM Sport, Leisure …, 2019 - periodicos.uninove.br
The purpose of this study was to an investigation and modeling of the intermediary role of
Psychological Capital in the relationship between Organizational Trust and Job …
Psychological Capital in the relationship between Organizational Trust and Job …
The Influence of social exchange mediators on the impact of human resource practices
TLK Fei, LK Aun - European Journal of Educational and Social …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Many studies have been done to demonstrate the impact of human resource (HR) practices
on firm performance. The relationships have been generally positive but not always …
on firm performance. The relationships have been generally positive but not always …
[PDF][PDF] Do Individual and Vocational Features Affect Nurses' Job Satisfaction and Organizational Trust Levels?
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between job satisfaction
and organizational trust of nurses' personal and professional characteristics. Material and …
and organizational trust of nurses' personal and professional characteristics. Material and …
Komunikacijos vaidmuo rengiant ir įgyvendinant verslo organizacijos strategiją ir kuriant jai finansinę vertę: komunikacijos veiklų vertinimo rodiklių sistema
L Jakučionienė - 2024 - epublications.vu.lt
Abstract [eng] To investigate the role of communication in the development and
implementation of a business organisation's strategy and the creation of its financial value …
implementation of a business organisation's strategy and the creation of its financial value …
[PDF][PDF] Tuberculosis (TB) Related Stigma; A Conceptual Framework and Workplace Implications
A Khan - Islamabad: CUST Islamabad, 2019 - cust.edu.pk
People living with Tuberculosis (TB) are stigmatized socially. Tuberculosis is an infectious
disease transmitted through the air and can affect any part of the body, majority people do …
disease transmitted through the air and can affect any part of the body, majority people do …
[PDF][PDF] Psychological contract and its role in the infrastructure sector: A review study
ISD Litt, BCM Patnaik, S Chakrabarti - International Journal of …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The biggest challenge to the organizations is retention of human assets. They are applying
innovative techniques to identify the causes of employee turnover. The organizations also …
innovative techniques to identify the causes of employee turnover. The organizations also …
Análisis del salario emocional y clima laboral en la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
MB Chong, CEB Chong… - UCE Ciencia. Revista de …, 2022 - uceciencia.edu.do
La presente investigación se orienta al análisis del salario emocional y clima laboral en la
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, el ámbito laboral en la actualidad, requiere de un …
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, el ámbito laboral en la actualidad, requiere de un …