[图书][B] Wittgenstein's Heirs and Editors

C Erbacher - 2020 - cambridge.org
Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of the most widely read philosophers of the twentieth century. But
the books in which his philosophy was published–with the exception of his early work …

Phenomenological methodology

K Mertens - 2018 - academic.oup.com
This chapter discusses how the methodological self-understanding outlined in Husserl's
early writings changes in later stages of the Phenomenological Movement. The discussion is …

[PDF][PDF] The Question Answered: What is Kant's 'Critical Philosophy'?

KR Westphal - The History of Philosophy as Philosophy: The Russian …, 2023 - academia.edu
This paper answers the question, what IS Kant's 'Critical Philosophy'? The answer is not
provided by a bibliography of Kant's main works, nor by his transcendental idealism. The …

Jc Beall's current and potential impact on the continental philosophy of non-classical logics

C Shores - Asian Journal of Philosophy, 2023 - Springer
The continental philosophy of non-classical logics is a relatively new field that seeks to
determine whether any aspects of certain continental philosophers' thinking can be …

Logical Aliens? Eine Verallgemeinerung und Verteidigung der Psychologismus-Kritik Freges gegen Wittgensteins Naturalismus

U Özbe - Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 2022 - ingentaconnect.com
The fundamental laws of logic hold independently of us. Thus, if there were beings who
thought in contradiction to these laws, they would be in error. The paper defends this stance …


КД Скрипник - Философский журнал, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Целью статьи является обзор литературы, посвященной оппозиции аналитической и
континентальной философии. Несмотря на наличие различных типологий философии …

[PDF][PDF] The Hermeneutics of Obscure Pronouncements

EN Bien, F Buekens - 2022 - lirias.kuleuven.be
In April 1981, an encounter took place between Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jacques Derrida
during a symposium at the Goethe Institute in Paris. This symposium was organized by …

[PDF][PDF] Approche phénoménologique de la confiance (inter) corporelle dans l'acrobatie circassienne:: Le cas d'un couple d'acrobates de l'Ecole nationale de cirque de …

M Klatt - 2020 - researchgate.net
J'ai choisi de diriger le sujet de mon mémoire vers la discipline du cirque, et plus
précisément dans l'acrobatie circassienne, car c'est un monde où la conscience …

[PDF][PDF] La méthode logique et la méthode dialectique en philosophie

S Lavelle - researchgate.net
La philosophie est pour une large part une affaire de méthode, si l'on entend par là
l'ensemble des règles, des procédures et des étapes qui guident le chemin de celui ou de …

The Dreyfus-Searle Debate: Background Practices and the Logical Structure of Intentional Phenomena

JM Delgado - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa …, 2019 - revistas.ucr.ac.cr
Este artículo interviene en el debate entre Dreyfus y Searle acerca de la dialéctica entre el
conocimiento implícito y explícito. Lo que está en juego acá es la interacción entre el …