[PDF][PDF] Keanekaragaman Ikan di Sungai Kelingi Kota Lubuklinggau

D Samitra, ZF Rozi - Jurnal Biota, 2018 - core.ac.uk
This study aims to determine the diversity of freshwater fish in Kelingi River Lubuklinggau
City. The research was conducted from May until August 2017. Sampling sites were …

[PDF][PDF] Potensi fauna akuatik ekosistem hutan mangrove di kawasan Teluk Pangpang Kabupaten Banyuwangi

YR Buwono, IPG Ardhana… - …, 2015 - download.garuda.kemdikbud.go.id
Mangrove ecosystem located between terrestrial and marine coastal areas are changing
constantly due to human activities that affect the aquatic fauna several species of fish and …

Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Mangrove di Desa Borimasunggu Kecamatan Maros Baru Kabupaten Maros

I Mawardi, AN Imran, M Djafar - Jurnal Eboni, 2022 - ejournals.umma.ac.id

Mangrove ecosystem, seagrass, coral reef: Its role in self-purification and carrying capacity in coastal areas

H Hasim - International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific …, 2021 - igsspublication.com
The coast is an area that has very high activity. It is estimated that 60% of the world's
population lives in coastal areas. Various types of pollution enter this area. Halogenated …

Production and Decomposition Rate of Litterfall Rhizophora mucronata-" The International Journal by the Thai Society of Higher Education Institues on Envrironment"

A Arfan, MR Abidin, M Leo, U Sideng, S Nyompa… - …, 2018 - eprints.unm.ac.id
This study aims to determine the amount of litter production and the decomposition rate of
Rhizopora mucronata leaves in the Tongke-Tongke Village, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi …

Identifikasi Perubahan Garis Pantai dan Ekosistem Pesisir di Kabupaten Subang

DN Handiani, S Darmawan, R Hernawati… - Reka …, 2017 - ejurnal.itenas.ac.id
Penelitian ini adalah kajian awal dari valuasi ekonomi atas manfaat dan jasa ekosistem di
pesisir Subang. Faktor-faktor utama dalam valuasi adalah keberadaan ekosistem dan …

Menggagas Pembangunan Blue Economy Terumbu Karang; Sebuah Pendekatan Sosial Ekonomi

L Nursita - EcceS: Economics Social and Development …, 2020 - journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id
Abstract Terumbu karang di Pulau Karampuang merupakan aset yang berperan dalam
menopang ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Pengalaman masyarakat setempat mengenai …

Litterfall production of mangrove forest in the beach waters of Sepi Bay, West Lombok

Y ZAMRONI, IS ROHYANI - Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2008 - smujo.id
Litterfall production of mangrove forest study was carried out in the beach water of Sepi Bay,
West Lombok, from July to October 2007. The collection of litter was done every 10 days …

The relationship between mangrove ecosystem and fish diversity in Pabean Ilir and Pagirikan, Indramayu District, West Java

R DESCASARI, I SETYOBUDIANDI… - International Journal of …, 2016 - smujo.id
Descasari R, Setyobudiandi I, Affandi R. 2016. The relationship between mangrove
ecosystem and fish diversity in Pabean Ilir and Pagirikan, Indramayu District, West Java …

[引用][C] Produksi serasah mangrove di pesisir Tangerang, Banten

GR Aida, Y Wardiatno, A Fahrudin, MM Kamal - Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 2014