[PDF][PDF] Pemanfaatan media digital terhadap indeks minat baca masyarakat Kabupaten Lamongan

A Ghofur, EA Rachma - Gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Membaca merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting dalam masyarakat. Selain untuk
menambah informasi, juga untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan berpikir yang …

Reading comprehension in digital and printed texts

J Alisaari, T Turunen, A Kajamies… - … Educational Studies in …, 2018 - l1research.org
Recent studies have yielded contradictory results regarding how reading from print or from
the screen influences reading comprehension. This study examined 12-year-old …

Systematic analysis of digital reading studies in the digital age

ZÇ Sezgin - Participatory Educational Research, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
Digitalization has led to significant changes in reading like it does in almost every field.
When traditional print reading is considered together with digital reading, it can be argued …

[PDF][PDF] Effecten van leesmotivatie-interventies

Leesvaardigheid is fundamenteel voor succes op school en arbeidsmarkt. Internationale
studies laten zien dat Nederlandse leerlingen meestal bovengemiddeld presteren op …

Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Bacaan Digital Terhadap Tingkat Minat Baca di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Airlangga

DA Prawesti - 2018 - repository.unair.ac.id
Minat baca masih menjadi permasalahan yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi Indonesia.
Permasalahan minat baca juga terjadi pada kalangan mahasiswa yang notabene mereka …

Reading Environment and Fluent Reading Skills.

AD Isik - Pedagogical Research, 2023 - ERIC
Language skills have an important place in people's thinking, understanding people around
them and expressing themselves. Reading skills, which are among the otherlanguage skills …

Improving English reading digital text Skills for multimedia students through the scaffolding method

IDA Azir, W Sriyanto - … Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and …, 2021 - ethicallingua.org
The reading process, especially in reading English texts, is a matter of extracting information
from the text and a knowledge-sharing dialogue activity between readers and writers …

İlkokul öğrencilerinin ekrandan okumaya yönelik tutumları

S Bulut, FS Kırmızı - Temel Eğitim, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
Sahip olunan bilgilerin önemli bir kısmı okuma yoluyla edinilmektedir. Güncel gelişmelerin
de etkisiyle eskiden basılı materyallerden yapılan okumalar artık ekrana taşınmıştır. Çünkü …

[PDF][PDF] Reading motivation: Classroom-based instruction and technology support

L Li, A Doyle - Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Based on a review of existing research, this paper provides an overview of the strategies
that teachers can use in their classrooms to enhance students' reading motivation. First, we …

Children intrinsic reading motivation and playful applications: investigating the relationship

F Al Aamri, S Greuter, SP Walz - 2015 International Conference …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Current research suggests that children who read for pleasure are intrinsically more
motivated than children who rarely read for pleasure. Recent research also indicates that …