An empirical study of ensemble techniques for software fault prediction

SS Rathore, S Kumar - Applied Intelligence, 2021 - Springer
Previously, many researchers have performed analysis of various techniques for the
software fault prediction (SFP). Oddly, the majority of such studies have shown the limited …

Linear and non-linear heterogeneous ensemble methods to predict the number of faults in software systems

SS Rathore, S Kumar - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017 - Elsevier
Several classification techniques have been investigated and evaluated earlier for the
software fault prediction. These techniques have produced different prediction accuracy for …

Co-evolutionary multi-population genetic programming for classification in software defect prediction: An empirical case study

G Mauša, TG Grbac - Applied soft computing, 2017 - Elsevier
Evolving diverse ensembles using genetic programming has recently been proposed for
classification problems with unbalanced data. Population diversity is crucial for evolving …

Co-evolutionary multi-population genetic programming for classification in software defect prediction

G Maua, T Galinac Grbac - Applied Soft Computing, 2017 -
Evolving diverse ensembles using genetic programming has recently been proposed for
classification problems with unbalanced data. Population diversity is crucial for evolving …


S Kılıçarslan, M Çelik - Journal of Science and Technology of …, 2019 -
Kronik böbrek rahatsızlığı (KBR) son günlerde artarak insanların yaşamını olumsuz etkileyen
ve böbreklere zarar vererek normal görevlerini uzun süre yapmalarını engelleyen bir …

Techniques used for the prediction of number of faults

SS Rathore, S Kumar, SS Rathore, S Kumar - Fault Prediction Modeling …, 2019 - Springer
Prediction of number of faults refers to the process of estimating/predicting a potential
number of faults that can occur in each given software module [41]. A software module can …

Extensive Software Fault Prediction: An Ensemble based comparison

P Sharma, AL Sangal - 2021 2nd International Conference on …, 2021 -
In recent studies, fault prediction is used to envisage the software's quality via conventional
machine learning techniques. There are numerous problems that distress the efficiency of …

Optimizing bug prediction in software testing using Super Learner

PR Nair - 2019 -
Software testing is a crucial part of every software project to ensure that the applications
delivered to the end-users are defect-free and reliable. Mining of software repositories can …

[引用][C] Learning Techniques for Systems in Evolution in Software Defect Prediction

G Maušaa, F Sarro, T Grbaca - Information and Software Technology online, 2017