Behavioural syndromes in fishes: a review with implications for ecology and fisheries management
This review examines the contribution of research on fishes to the growing field of
behavioural syndromes. Current knowledge of behavioural syndromes in fishes is reviewed …
behavioural syndromes. Current knowledge of behavioural syndromes in fishes is reviewed …
Personality in non‐human animals
SD Gosling - Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past decade, research on animal personality has flourished in numerous
disciplines ranging from Behavioral Ecology and Developmental Psychobiology to Genetics …
disciplines ranging from Behavioral Ecology and Developmental Psychobiology to Genetics …
Growth‐mortality tradeoffs and 'personality traits' in animals
JA Stamps - Ecology letters, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Consistent individual differences in boldness, reactivity, aggressiveness, and other
'personality traits' in animals are stable within individuals but vary across individuals, for …
'personality traits' in animals are stable within individuals but vary across individuals, for …
Boldness and behavioral syndromes in the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus
ADM Wilson, JGJ Godin - Behavioral Ecology, 2009 -
In recent years, evidence for interindividual variation in “personality” within animal
populations has been accumulating. Personality is defined as consistency in an individual's …
populations has been accumulating. Personality is defined as consistency in an individual's …
Personality and foraging decisions in fallow deer, Dama dama
Recent studies have examined the ecological and evolutionary bases for variation in animal
personality. However, only a few such studies have examined how foraging parameters are …
personality. However, only a few such studies have examined how foraging parameters are …
Behavioural syndromes and trappability in free-living collared flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis
The concept of behavioural syndromes hypothesizes that consistent behaviours across
various situations mediate important life history trade-offs, and predicts correlations among …
various situations mediate important life history trade-offs, and predicts correlations among …
[HTML][HTML] Identifying knowledge gaps in understanding the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on fish behaviour
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of antidepressants increasingly
prescribed to treat patients with clinical depression. As a result of the significant negative …
prescribed to treat patients with clinical depression. As a result of the significant negative …
Environmental enrichment reduces maladaptive risk-taking behavior in salmon reared for conservation
LJ Roberts, J Taylor, CG De Leaniz - Biological Conservation, 2011 - Elsevier
Hatcheries often produce bold fish that are maladapted to survive in the wild, as absence of
predators and selection for fast growth tend to favour risk-taking behaviors. Not surprisingly …
predators and selection for fast growth tend to favour risk-taking behaviors. Not surprisingly …
Capture technique and fish personality: angling targets timid bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus
ADM Wilson, TR Binder, KP McGrath… - Canadian Journal of …, 2011 -
Size-selective harvesting associated with commercial and recreational fishing practices has
been shown to alter life history traits through a phenomenon known as fishing-induced …
been shown to alter life history traits through a phenomenon known as fishing-induced …
Boldness and Reproductive Fitness Correlates in the Eastern Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
Animals are known to exhibit 'personality'; that is, individual differences in behaviour that are
consistent across time and/or situations. One axis of personality of particular importance for …
consistent across time and/or situations. One axis of personality of particular importance for …