News-driven business cycles: Insights and challenges

P Beaudry, F Portier - Journal of Economic Literature, 2014 -
There is a widespread belief that changes in expectations may be an important independent
driver of economic fluctuations. The news view of business cycles offers a formalization of …

News and aggregate demand shocks

G Lorenzoni - Annu. Rev. Econ., 2011 -
In this review, I look at the recent literature on news as a source of economic fluctuations.
The main question in this literature is: how does the aggregate economy respond to a shock …

TFP, news, and “sentiments”: The international transmission of business cycles

AA Levchenko, N Pandalai-Nayar - Journal of the European …, 2020 -
We propose a novel identification scheme for a nontechnology business cycle shock, which
we label “sentiment”. This is a shock orthogonal to identified surprise and news TFP shocks …

Business cycle fluctuations and the distribution of consumption

G De Giorgi, L Gambetti - Review of Economic Dynamics, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper sheds new light on the interactions between business cycles and the
consumption distribution. We use CEX consumption data and a factor model to characterize …

[HTML][HTML] News-driven business cycles in small open economies

G Kamber, K Theodoridis, C Thoenissen - Journal of International …, 2017 - Elsevier
The focus of this paper is on news-driven business cycles in small open economies. We
make two significant contributions. First, we develop a small open economy model where …

Optimism, pessimism, and short-term fluctuations

G Di Bella, F Grigoli - Journal of Macroeconomics, 2019 - Elsevier
Economic theory offers several explanations as to why shifting expectations about future
economic activity affect current demand. Abstracting from whether changes in expectations …

Understanding the footprint of the RBV in international business studies: The last twenty years of research

MASP Vasconcelos, NR Reis, FAR Serra… - Brazilian business …, 2014 -
International business (IB) research has evolved substantially over the past four decades
incorporating new concerns and theoretical contributions. During the past two decades, the …

The euro area periphery and imbalances: Is it an Anticipation Story?

D Siena - Review of economic dynamics, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the sources of the current account (CA) imbalances experienced
within the euro area periphery (Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) before the Great …

The expectational effects of news in business cycles: Evidence from forecast data

W Miyamoto, TL Nguyen - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
News shocks work through changes in expectations, so data on expectations contain
important information for identification of news shocks. We demonstrate this by estimating a …

Expectation driven business cycles with limited enforcement

K Walentin - Economics Letters, 2014 - Elsevier
We explore shocks to expected future productivity in a model with limited enforcement of
financial contracts. A microfounded collateral constraint implies that good news about future …