Equilibrium bank runs

J Peck, K Shell - Journal of political Economy, 2003 - journals.uchicago.edu
We analyze a banking system in which the class of feasible deposit contracts, or
mechanisms, is broad. The mechanisms must satisfy a sequential service constraint, but …

How would the invisible hand handle money?

LH White - Bank Deregulation & Monetary Order, 2002 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The last three decades have seen governments around the world remove a number of
restrictions from financial markets and payments systems. Technological innovations have …

Models of banking instability: A partial review of the literature

K Dowd - Journal of Economic Surveys, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
This paper critically examines the theoretical literature on banking instability that has
followed Diamond and Dybvig (1983). It explores the extent to which it (a) explains banking …

[图书][B] Bank Deregulation & Monetary Order

G Selgin - 2002 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Can the'invisible hand'handle money? George Selgin challenges the view that government
regulation creates monetary order and stability, and instead shows it to be the main source …

Market rate versus fixed rate demand deposits

CJ Jacklin - Journal of Monetary Economics, 1993 - Elsevier
In an economy with uninsured banks, market rate deposits are shown to provide services
identical to fixed rate deposits without risking banking panics as long as there is not both …

Bank deposits and Google searches in a crisis economy: Bayesian non‐linear evidence for Greece (2009–2015)

KN Konstantakis, D Paraskeuopoulou… - … Journal of Finance & …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Due to a variety of reasons, the Greek economy faced a severe crisis being a member of
EMU. Nonetheless, the country's banking system experienced a dramatic outflow of …

The explicit costs of government deposit insurance

TL Hogan, WJ Luther - Cato J., 2014 - HeinOnline
The Diamond-Dybvig (DD) model is often cited as a theoretical justification for government
deposit insurance. In the model, rational agents find it in their interest to withdraw their bank …

[PDF][PDF] The implicit costs of government deposit insurance

TL Hogan, WJ Luther - Journal of Private Enterprise, 2016 - journal.apee.org
Most people believe that the benefits of deposit insurance provided by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) clearly exceed the costs. However, a growing literature …

Avoiding bank runs in transition economies: The role of risk neutral capital

S Gangopadhyay, G Singh - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2000 - Elsevier
In a general equilibrium model with risk neutral and risk averse agents, we show that if
banks issue both demand deposits and equity, then free banking is run-proof and efficient. In …

[PDF][PDF] Using market incentives to reform bank regulation and federal deposit insurance

JB Thomson - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic …, 1990 - fraser.stlouisfed.org
Reform of the financial services industry7 became a hotly debated issue in the 1980s, and
this debate continues to rage in the 1990s. Much of the debate has been generated by a …