Edge detection of infrared image with CNN_DGA algorithm

W Wang, LJ Yang, YT Xie, Y An - Optik, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper, infrared image edge detection algorithm based on the combination of the
cellular neural networks (CNN) and distributed genetic algorithm (DGA) is proposed. The …

Land mine detection by infrared thermography: reduction of size and duration of the experiments

A Muscio, MA Corticelli - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The effectiveness of infrared thermography applied to the detection of abandoned land
mines is not yet acceptable. It can probably be improved, however, by computerized …

Image descreening by GA-CNN-based texture classification

YW Shou, CT Lin - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work proposes an image-descreening technique based on texture classification using a
cellular neural network (CNN) with template trained by genetic algorithm (GA), called GA …

CNN-based 3D thermal modeling of the soil for antipersonnel mine detection

P Lopez, DL Vilarino, D Cabello - Proceedings of the 2002 7th …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The inherent analogies between the defining equation of CNN and that of heat transfer are
well known. In this paper, we explore the projection of a 3D thermal model of the soil on this …

Noise reduction in CMOS image sensor using cellular neural networks with a genetic algorithm

J Ryu, T Nishimura - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and …, 2010 - search.ieice.org
In this paper, Cellular Neural Networks using genetic algorithm (GA-CNNs) are designed for
CMOS image noise reduction. Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) could be an efficient way to …

Experiments of thermographic landmine detection with reduced size and compressed time

A Muscio, MA Corticelli - Infrared physics & technology, 2004 - Elsevier
Infrared thermography is a promising technique for the detection of buried landmines. Its
effectiveness is not yet satisfactory, but it can presumably be improved by means of proper …

Cellular neural networks learning using genetic algorithm

EG Ramírez - … del Centro de Investigación de la …, 2003 - revistasinvestigacion.lasalle.mx
Cellular Neural Networks Learning using Genetic Algorithm Page 1 Rev. Centro Inv. (Méx) Vol.
6, Núm. 21, Jul.-Dic. 2003 25 Artículo de Investigación INTRODUCTION Cellular Neural …

Robustness oriented design tool for multilayer DTCNN applications

P López, DL Vilariño, VM Brea… - International journal of …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
In this work, we present a design automation tool for the synthesis of multilayer discrete time
cellular neural network (DTCNN) structures that takes into account hardware implementation …

Genetic Programming for the CNN-UM

GE Pazienza, E Gomez-Ramirez… - … Workshop on Cellular …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We work on automatic tools-based on evolutionary techniques-to generate analogic
algorithms and for image processing. The main improvements with respect to previous …

Antipersonnel mine detection on infrared images

P López, M Balsi, DL Vilariño… - University as a Bridge …, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Detection and clearance of buried mines is a big problem with lots of humanitarian,
environmental and economic implications. Classic techniques, such as metal detectors, are …