Emerging models and e-infrastructures for teacher education

K Stefanov, R Nikolov, P Boytchev… - 2011 International …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper presents a digital repository of metadata resources for teachers education, as
well as a portal for the community of practices, build around the repository. Both the …

Digital libraries as a social media

K Stefanov - Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and …, 2014 - ceeol.com
This paper presents an innovative approach for enhancing digital libraries functionalities. An
innovative distributed architecture involving digital libraries for effective and efficient …

[PDF][PDF] Toward Pedagogy-Driven Personalized Learning Experiences in Cultural Digital Libraries

P Arapi - Serdica Journal of Computing, 2016 - serdica-comp.math.bas.bg
Cultural heritage institutions hold a vast amount of multimedia digital content forming a rich
source of knowledge about cultural heritage, natural history, and biodiversity that could be …

[PDF][PDF] Seek-at-wd: A social-semantic infrastructure for educators to discover and select ict tools in the web of data

AR Calleja - 2013 - researchgate.net
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools to support learning
activities is nowadays generalized. Several educational registries provide information about …

Building a Digital Repository for Learning Resources

P Anagnastou, A Grigorov - ICERI2014 Proceedings, 2014 - library.iated.org
One of the main advantages of using digital repositories in the e-learning process is that
they provide mechanisms to encourage the discovery, exchange and reuse of learning …

[PDF][PDF] A novel approach for modeling user's short-term interests, based on user queries

A Turnina - International Journal of Computer Science Issues …, 2013 - Citeseer
In this paper is presented a novel approach for modeling user short-term interests, based on
user queries. The proposed user model is represented by a weighted semantic network …

[PDF][PDF] Стоян Денчев Евгения Ковачева Румен Николов

Е Ковачева - 2014 - researchgate.net
Робот в RUR (Росумски универсални роботи) и произлиза от чешката дума robota,
означаваща работа, но и ангария, изморителен труд (робски труд). Роботите са …

Цифровите библиотеки в обучението на учители Digital Libraries in Teacher Education

К Стефанов, П Бойчев, Е Стефанова… - Union of Bulgarian …, 2011 - eudml.org
Abstract top Krassen Stefanov, Pavel Boytchev, Eliza Stefanova, Atanas Georgiev, Nikolina
Nikolova, Alexander Grigorov-This paper discusses the role of the contemporary European …


EY Sendova, IH Nikolova, GS Gachev… - … AND EDUCATION IN …, 2020 - smb.math.bas.bg
The authors present the 20-year history of the High School Student Institute of Mathematics
and Informatics (HSSI) by discussing three main events being organized in its frames–the …

[引用][C] Digital Libraries in Teacher Education

K Stefanov, P Boytchev, E Stefanova… - 2011 - Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians