Bringing cumulative technological culture beyond copying versus reasoning

F Osiurak, N Claidière, G Federico - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2023 -
The dominant view of cumulative technological culture suggests that high-fidelity
transmission rests upon a high-fidelity copying ability, which allows individuals to reproduce …

Limb apraxia and the left parietal lobe

LJ Buxbaum, J Randerath - Handbook of clinical neurology, 2018 - Elsevier
Limb apraxia is a heterogeneous disorder of skilled action and tool use that has long
perplexed clinicians and researchers. It occurs after damage to various loci in a densely …

The cortical thickness of the area PF of the left inferior parietal cortex mediates technical-reasoning skills

G Federico, E Reynaud, J Navarro, M Lesourd… - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
Most recent research highlights how a specific form of causal understanding, namely
technical reasoning, may support the increasing complexity of tools and techniques …

Neural bases of imitation and pantomime in acute stroke patients: distinct streams for praxis

M Hoeren, D Kümmerer, T Bormann, L Beume… - Brain, 2014 -
Apraxia is a cognitive disorder of skilled movements that characteristically affects the ability
to imitate meaningless gestures, or to pantomime the use of tools. Despite substantial …

Where language meets meaningful action: a combined behavior and lesion analysis of aphasia and apraxia

PH Weiss, SD Ubben, S Kaesberg, E Kalbe… - Brain Structure and …, 2016 - Springer
It is debated how language and praxis are co-represented in the left hemisphere (LH). As
voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping in LH stroke patients with aphasia and/or apraxia …

Shared neural substrates of apraxia and aphasia

G Goldenberg, J Randerath - Neuropsychologia, 2015 - Elsevier
Apraxia is regularly associated with aphasia, but there is controversy whether their co-
occurrence is the expression of a common basic deficit or results from anatomical proximity …

Differential roles of ventral and dorsal streams for conceptual and production-related components of tool use in acute stroke patients

M Martin, L Beume, D Kümmerer, CSM Schmidt… - Cerebral …, 2016 -
Impaired tool use despite preserved basic motor functions occurs after stroke in the context
of apraxia, a cognitive motor disorder. To elucidate the neuroanatomical underpinnings of …

Ten problems and solutions when predicting individual outcome from lesion site after stroke

CJ Price, TM Hope, ML Seghier - Neuroimage, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider solutions to ten of the challenges faced when trying to predict an
individual's functional outcome after stroke on the basis of lesion site. A primary goal is to …

[HTML][HTML] Apraxia, pantomime and the parietal cortex

E Niessen, GR Fink, PH Weiss - Neuroimage: clinical, 2014 - Elsevier
Apraxia, a disorder of higher motor cognition, is a frequent and outcome-relevant sequel of
left hemispheric stroke. Deficient pantomiming of object use constitutes a key symptom of …

On the psychological origins of tool use

M Mangalam, DM Fragaszy, JB Wagman… - Neuroscience & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The ubiquity of tool use in human life has generated multiple lines of scientific and
philosophical investigation to understand the development and expression of humans' …