Alibis for adult play: A Goffmanian account of escaping embarrassment in adult play

S Deterding - Games and culture, 2018 -
The social meanings of play sit at odds with norms of responsible and productive adult
conduct. To be “caught” playing as an adult therefore risks embarrassment. Still, many …

A god-tier LARP? QAnon as conspiracy fictioning

D Zeeuw, A Gekker - Social Media+ Society, 2023 -
The QAnon movement, which gained a lot of traction in recent years, defies categorization: is
it a conspiracy theory, a new mythology, a social movement, a religious cult, or an alternate …

[图书][B] The paradox of transgression in games

T Mortensen, K Jørgensen - 2020 -
The Paradox of Transgression in Games looks at transgressive games as an aesthetic
experience, tackling how players respond to game content that shocks, disturbs, and …

[HTML][HTML] The positive discomfort of spec ops: The line

K Jørgensen - Game studies, 2016 -
This article documents how players report the positive discomfort of playing the third-person
military shooter Spec Ops: The Line (Yager Entertainment, 2012), and analyses their …

Games-as-a-Disservice: Emergent value co-destruction in platform business models

MJ Lehtonen, M Vesa, JT Harviainen - Journal of Business Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Digital distribution has enabled game studios to reach global audiences and treat mobile
games as services rather than products, creating novel opportunities to develop value …

Playing a better me: How players rehearse their ethos via moral choices

M Consalvo, T Busch, C Jong - Games and Culture, 2019 -
This article is an exploration of players' understandings of games that offer moral dilemmas
in order to explore player choice in tandem with game mechanics. We investigate how game …

Playing the Other: Role-playing religion in videogames

L De Wildt, S Aupers - European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2019 -
In contemporary 'post-secular society', videogames like Assassin's Creed, BioShock Infinite
or World of Warcraft are suffused with religious elements. Departing from a critique on …

The gamification of conspiracy: QAnon as alternate reality game

H Davies - Acta Ludologica, 2022 -
This article takes a ludological approach to QAnon and investigates the conspiracy
phenomenon as an Alternate Reality Game. Drawing extensively on media reportage of …

Values throughout the game space

A Jerrett, PM Howell - Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer …, 2022 -
Pro-social themes like empathy and wellbeing are gaining popularity within games to
contrast the medium's stigmatised explorations of themes like violence, often to catalyse …

'Gods in World of Warcraft exist': Religious reflexivity and the quest for meaning in online computer games

J Schaap, S Aupers - New Media & Society, 2017 -
In 'secular'Western societies, religious topics permeate media texts of books, films, series
and games and such texts even inform several religious-spiritual movements. Critically …