Spectroscopy and chromaticity characterization of yellow to light-blue iron-containing beryl

Y Shang, Y Guo, J Tang - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
The chemical composition and influencing factors of the colour of 95 yellow to light blue iron-
bearing beryl are studied through Electron Microprobe Analysis (EMPA), Energy-dispersive …

Li-Cs-Na-Rich Beryl from Beryl-Bearing Pegmatite Dike No. 7 of the Shongui Deposit, Kola Province, Russia

LN Morozova, SG Skublov, DR Zozulya, PA Serov… - Geosciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
Beryl is both an accessory and a rock-forming mineral in pegmatites that contain beryl,
making it a major source of Be. Beryl-bearing pegmatites of the Shongui deposit, located in …

Kinetic analysis and dosimetric characteristics of the thermoluminescent glow curve of aquamarine (Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6: Fe)

R Cogollo, J Herrera, OD Gutiérrez - Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2024 - Elsevier
Kinetic analysis of the thermoluminescent (TL) glow curve of aquamarine, a cyan variety of
beryl (Be 3 Al 2 (SiO 3) 6), is reported. Samples were irradiated at room temperature using a …

Редкие щелочные металлы в слюдах миароловых пегматитов жилы Шахдаринской (Юго-Западный Памир)

ЕН Соколова, СЗ Смирнов, ЭН Кунгулова… - Известия Томского …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Работа посвящена минералогии субредкометалльных турмалиноносных миароловых
гранитных пегматитов жилы Шахдаринской, ЮЗ Памир. Расшифровка …

[PDF][PDF] Pink-Orange Euclase from Bahia, Brazil

L Gilles-Guéry, L Queiroz, J Schnellrath… - The Journal of …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Gem-quality pink-orange euclase was discovered in Bahia, Brazil, in 2015–2016, but did not
enter the international gem and mineral trade until mid-2018. There has been limited …

[PDF][PDF] Rare alkali metals in micas from Shakhdarinskaya miarolitic pegmatite (South8Western Pamir)

EN Sokolova, SZ Smirnov, EN Kungulova… - Bulletin of the Tomsk …, 2017 - earchive.tpu.ru
The paper represents the first information on mineralogy of the Shakhdarinskaya vein along
with the attempt of comparison with the features of the mineral forming media. Optical …