[图书][B] The Routledge handbook of lexicography

PA Fuertes-Olivera - 2017 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Each chapter in this volume focuses on a specific area of lexicography. The chapters share
broadly the same format, covering a history of the area, a critical discussion of its main …

[图书][B] Specialised dictionaries for learners

P Corbin, U Heid, T Herbst, SG Malmgren… - 2010 - degruyter.com
DAFLES= Verlinde, S. et al.(2003). Dictionnaire d'apprentissage du français langue
étrangère ou seconde< http://www. kuleuven. ac. be/dafles/acces. php? id=>[01/02/2009] …

Electronic dictionaries as tools: Towards an assessment of usability

U Heid - E-Lexicography: The Internet, Digital Initiatives and …, 2011 - books.google.com
The fact that dictionaries are tools has been the focus of many discussions in recent
lexicographic theories. Tarp (2008a: 123) defines the notion of 'lexicographic tool'as follows …

[PDF][PDF] A critical review of the theory of lexicographical functions

Y Tono - Lexicon (Journal of the Iwasaki Linguistic Circle), 2010 - academia.edu
This paper is based upon an academic exchange of opinions, informa tion, and critical
comments between Professor Henning Bergenholtz, the Director of the Centre for …

[PDF][PDF] Needs-adapted data presentation in e-information tools

H Bergenholtz, TJD Bothma - Lexikos, 2011 - ajol.info
Needs-adapted Data Presentation in e-Information Tools Page 1 Lexikos 21 (AFRILEX-reeks/series
21: 2011): 53-77 Needs-adapted Data Presentation in e-Information Tools Henning …

[PDF][PDF] Phraseology in specialized language and its representation in environmental knowledge resources

M Buendía Castro - 2013 - digibug.ugr.es

Necesidad de una teoría independiente de la lexicografía: El complejo camino de la lingüística teórica a la lexicografía

S Tarp - Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación, 2013 - recyt.fecyt.es
La lexicografía y la lingüística son dos disciplinas independientes aunque históricamente
interrelacionadas a través de un sinfín de diccionarios para cuya producción han sido …

The future of dictionaries, dictionaries of the future

S Nielsen - The Bloomsbury Handbook of Lexicography, 2022 - torrossa.com
The lexicographic landscape is gradually changing due to internal and external
developments. Lexicographic research activities, findings and output in the form of …

School dictionaries for first-language learners

S Tarp, RH Gouws - Lexikos, 2012 - ajol.info
Acknowledging the ambiguity of terms like school dictionary, children's dictionary, first
language, mother-tongue this article motivates a specific use of school dictionary, first …

La Teoría Funcional de la Lexicografía y sus consecuencias para los diccionarios de economía del español

PA Fuertes Olivera, S Tarp - 2008 - ruc.udc.es
Con este artículo ofrecemos una visión de la lexicografía desde la perspectiva de la teoría
funcional, que defiende que la lexicografía es la teoría y práctica de las herramientas de uso …